When I connect the printer gives me this answer:
I do not understand why, because it is the fourth time I want to use it.
Thank you for any help
When I connect the printer gives me this answer:
I do not understand why, because it is the fourth time I want to use it.
Thank you for any help
They were even heading in the wrong direction,I checked the connectors, I reversed them and now its OK.
Thank you very much
How can I change motor direction for home .
It was really because I didn't connect the extruder and bed.I'm trying to do some tests now.
Thanks again
I have a question,why does this temperature show me?
It may be because they are not connected the extruder and bed. .
Thanks for your help I was able to make the connection T3P3Tony.
I'll try the change firmware now.
Thank you again
Thank you guys for the answer ,I tried the variants but nothing.I took pictures again.I do not understand why.
If you can tell me why?
Thank you for the answer but
I tried both addresses but it doesn't work.I don't understand why he showed me two different addresses.
Thank you
Tanks for the answer I tried to connect the board but nothing.You have here the image.
. If you can give me a suggestion.
Thank you for help
I have a problem with finding the IP address.I sent M552 S1 but no address returned,I waited more than a minute but nothing.I have a picture here. .
Thank you for your help
Thank you for your help guys it really works now.
I'm at the beginning with this electronic board.Thanks again and see you soon.
Thanks for this information but I did not find any answer to my question.It is normal if I solve a problem I post it.Because I know that other people are need an answer like me.
That's why I repeat the question:Why my electronic board are network stopped ?
I sent the M552 S0 to see the IP address but but it shows me: Network stopped<LF><LF>
I do not understand why.
Thank you for the answer
I connected the board to the YAT terminal and I found this information:
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.01beta1(RTOS) ELECTRONICS: Duet Maestro 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-06-23b1<LF>.
I'm sorry I haven't written so far,firmware version is:Configuration file for Duet Maestro (firmware version 2.02RC2 or newer).
Thanks for answer
Here's what I last used:link text
Thanks for the reply but I have already tried this page and a few more.
If someone can help me,if there is someone who has Crane Quad Colors printer and can send me a copy of the sd card with firmware,only if it works.We've introduced a new one firmware but it does not work.I mean, I tried more firmware but the result is the same with small differences.I also tried the configurator but nothing.
Thank you!!
If there is someone who has Quad Colors printer and can send me a copy of the sd card with firmware,only if it works.We've introduced a new one firmware but it does not work.
I forgot to copy before that the other data on the card.
Thank you!!!