I've been trying to justify using rPi with Duet3 myself, and its not the cost :-). If you want wifi, you can always use a router in bridge mode and plug Duet3 into it.
Using rPi I see as have a few concerns: It's adds another possible point of failure. Maybe needing additional cooling, not to mention the extra space needed in the box for the board. What about power? rPi is a computer and should be shutdown properly. If you turn the power supply off you also cut power to rPi, or you have it setup another separate power supply to keep it running. Or you have to do a lot of rigging to have the rPi shut down properly then shutting off the noisy power supply.
It's nice that it's easier to update the system. If you have a spare rPi laying around doing nothing, then maybe or you want to experiment. You can always add one later on down the road. I don't foresee anything coming down the pike, as a plugin, for a long time. So far I haven't even seen anyone with a great idea for a plugin and I can't think of any except maybe display the model that's in the stl file(s).

Best posts made by BeosDoc
RE: Why use a Raspberry Pi with a Duet 3?
RE: Toolboard 1LC Heater voltage
Great, thank you. I have some toolboards coming and needed to know if I had to order different heaters or not.
RE: Restart DuetControlServer (SBC)
First part. I replaced the ribbon cable with very short, 9cm (ribbon is 20cm), and brand new jumpers. Initial boot worked. After that it still had the status of Off.
FYI: You do need pin 17 (3.3V) hooked up. Without it, it didn't see it at all.
For future reference Duet 3 > rPi you need pins 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26 (not sure about 26) and one of the grounds (like 20 and/or 25
Now for the second part with the file
Toolboard 1LC Heater voltage
Quick question about the toolboard with 24V supplied to the board. I know the fans are 12V, but is the heater voltage at 24V or 12V?
RE: Restart DuetControlServer (SBC)
@gloomyandy said in Restart DuetControlServer (SBC):
@BeosDoc Are you getting any
systemd[1]: duetcontrolserver.service: Start request repeated too quickly.messages now in your syslog file? Are you rebooting the rPi to test this?
Actually I don't see any of those messages since I made the change to that file. The last time it appeared was 18:22 on Mar 1 which is before I made the change. I did a reboot of pi after I changed /etc/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/duetcontrolserver.service but not since then and I even did a print last night. The pi has it's own separate power supply and stays on (several reasons: powering off pi without proper shutdown could cause some corruption, don't want to wait for it to boot