Thanks, Dave.
Found it, made a new cable, now its working. Turned out that both of my cable sets were broken.

Posts made by Biggsis
RE: Duet Maestro and 12864 Problem
RE: Duet Maestro and 12864 Problem
I did try 2 different ribbon cables, same result. Which one is the "processor pin" on the Duet connection and on which of the 2 connectors?
Duet Maestro and 12864 Problem
Hello, I have used the forum search but did not find anything to my problem:
I have connected a 12864 display to a Duet Maestro and uploaded some menu files. The Display is working so far and showing all kinds of infos on the screen and by TURNING the rotary knob of the 12864 I can highlight several menus / values.
However, pressing the knob has no whatsoever effect, no menu can be called or no value can be changed. The Duet just does not react on pressing the button of the rotary knob at all. Just nothing happens. I have tested 3 different 12864, all with the same result. Display is working, I just cant use the button of the rotary.
I have looked into the menu files themselves and they seem OK, calling the right action etc.Any help would be appreciated.
Duet Maestro 1.0 with 2.05 firmware
RE: Weird temperatures displayed with Duet Maestro 1
You are right, thank you very much. With the correct parameters the readings are now correct.
Weird temperatures displayed with Duet Maestro 1
I want to upgrade a D-Bot with a Duet Maestro 1 I have here for a while.
Now the weird thing is, that both (Bed and E3D Hotend) Thermistor Temps are shown as around 9° degrees celsius, although the room temperature is around 22°C.
If I connect both Thermistors to a Duet Wifi, the readings are correct. Only the Maestro shows the 9°CFirmware is 2.05 and the Thermistor Lines are the usual:
M305 P0 R4700 H0 L0
M305 P1 R4700 H0 L0Anyone has an idea, what is wrong?
RE: Duet WiFi with external antenna
Just curious, is this still the plan to offer Duets with better Wifi?
I am sometimes experiencing some signal strength problems with the Wifi and you guys mentioned an option with ESP-07.
We would require 2 Duet Wifi boards with external antenna too, since the boards would be within a metal case.
We would anyway appreciate, if in the long term the Duet Wifi could be ordered with the ESP-07 as an option.Thanks in advance
RE: Duet Web Control 2.0.0-RC3 is ready
I could not find, if somebody already mentioned it, but in Europe the time (in the temp chart) is not displayed in "AM/PM" format. Maybe make it selectable, thanks.
RE: Laser filament monitor
I would be interested in testing one of those too, since I have several printers (CoreXY and Deltas, all with DUETs), use OpenSCAD myself and do Arduino Programming, I think I meet the conditions (Except living in Germany and not in the UK
RE: Filament Monitor Beta Overview
is the magnet filament sensor still in beta testing? If so, is it possible to still participate? If not, then how to purchase the filament monitor? Since I have the "filament stuck" problem with a bunch of our printers, I would be very much interested in testing or using it. Thanks.
RE: Facebook Group created for DIY Kossel Delta XL / XXL / Smart Effector
I don't like the behaviour of FB too, but on the other hand, I would not have so many customers without FB.
The thing with non profit discussion groups is, that commercial interests are often not tolerated there.
And you have a business too, David, and without us FB nerds, who shamelessly promote and advertise YOUR (and other good) products too in our several groups, you would sell a lot less Duets. Alone your german dealer sold dozens of Duet Wifi alone in the last few weeks by recommendation in our german FB group. Like it or not, that is a fact too, no matter that Zuckerberg makes profit with our data. Thats because the majority of people (and our customers) uses FB the most and they prefer it over other communication platforms.
Whatever you personally think of FB, it still helps keeping YOUR business going too. And that goes for many small companies / start ups, who would sell a lot less without FB.
I am in my sixties (old fashined too) and still prefer other ways of communication, but I have to live with the things, that a bunch of other people use on a day to day base, if I want to keep my business going... -
RE: Duet Maestro pre-order
Will there be a Pre-Oder for the Duet Maestro in Europe as well or do we all have to purchase at M3D?
RE: Facebook Group created for DIY Kossel Delta XL / XXL / Smart Effector
The heatbed of this printer will be devided in 4 square parts with 4 heatbeds 400x400mm each, and each powered by its own PSU. Like this you dont need to heat the complete bed, when printed parts are smaller. And since the bed will not move, instead the XY gantry will move, the challenge is doable…
RE: Facebook Group created for DIY Kossel Delta XL / XXL / Smart Effector
Well, as said many times before, if you know, what you are doing, then feel free to do so, I can anyway not prevent anyone from doing so.
The majority of users are not trained professionals though, and in my real life, a part of my job is to check and inspect electrical / electronic installations in companies who should know better. And there I have seen many life endangering things, you would not believe. Maybe not everyone who "thinks" is capable of dealing with mains, really is. if a "real man" can ever admit that.
And visiting people in a hospital, who have been seriously injured and burned by assembling and using these "installations" is not funny either.
I don't have (and never had) a problem with trained, certified professionals building professional and well grounded mains assemblies, But then again, you have to know, what you are doing and its just not enough to just connect the 2 wires from the chinese heat pad to the mains SSR. Most installations I have seen never made it beyond that point though….
Oh, and just for the record: I am currently in the progress of building a CoreXY printer for a customer with a bed size of 800x800mm and I HAVE to use DC (48V) for this one, since the customer has equipment nearby sensitive to the 50 Hz hum, so go figure...
RE: Facebook Group created for DIY Kossel Delta XL / XXL / Smart Effector
Oh sorry, I did not know, that this thread turned into a tribunal regarding me personally, where I have to defend myself, your honor.
There have been legal cases (in the US), where admins have been in fact sued for not warning people about some dangers using and assembling certain dangerous things. All the measures taken by admins (not me alone) are precautions regarding legal issues.
1st Mosfet on the Duet was blown by a short of a chinese fan and according to David was not preventable by me.
2nd Smart effector destroyed LED was really my fault, as I clearly wrote in my posting, but slipping with a screw driver has to my knowledge nothing to do with my skills as an electronics engineer. I was able to repair that effector with a spare LED
And we will let a duet forum admin decide, if your comments are a bit more than just "brutally honest". There must be a reason, why you delete your own postings…
RE: Facebook Group created for DIY Kossel Delta XL / XXL / Smart Effector
Thanks for you nice words, I don't think, that I ever insulted people, but of course I will ALWAYS discourage people from using any kind of mains in their printer. I (and most of the others) am a friend of SAFETY and precaution. And in most countries you are legally not allowed to mess with mains anyway, so that should be avoided in your printer too. My 2 cents. You don't like this safety measures, well, there is no obligation to join the group
Still everyone is free to join the group, even if (as a trained electronics engineer) I will always recommend low voltage (12V /24V) heatbed solutions….
Facebook Group created for DIY Kossel Delta XL / XXL / Smart Effector
since I could not find any suitable group, I created a facebook group for those interested in the Kossel Delta XL / XXL DIY Delta printers (with or without Smart Effector / Duet Products).
If you are interested, please join us at
Looking forward to see you there….
RE: Destroyed one of the white illumination LEDs, others stopped working
Thank you, Tony, I will try to just bridge it, since I am running on 12V. I will as well order some LEDs and try to replace the destroyed one. Thanks for your help.
Destroyed one of the white illumination LEDs, others stopped working
I accidentally destroyed one of the white illumination LEDs with a slipping screwdriver. Unfortunately the other 2 stopped working too…
Are they connected in serial and stop working all together or can I do something to at least use the remaining 2 LEDs?
Thanks in advance
RE: Problem sensitivite smart effector.
I have exactly the same problem. I already have a Delta with a Smart Effector and that one works very good. I recently bought another Smart Effector for a bigger Delta and that shows exactly the same behaviour reported by Santiago. I can not probe reliably, since it triggers way to often and in between the probing points and then I get a G32 error saying that the probe triggered without touching the bed. I try again and again and sometimes eventually I can manage to finish probing, but in most cases not.
I am using a Nimble with the latest adaptor plate.
Of course I tried to lower the sensivity of the sensor without any luck.
What can we do?