@jay_s_uk oh fair enough, thank you for pointing that out, I will check the output before fully conecting them up.
I'll post back with the outcome when the convertor arrives
thank you again
@jay_s_uk oh fair enough, thank you for pointing that out, I will check the output before fully conecting them up.
I'll post back with the outcome when the convertor arrives
thank you again
@droftarts I did print the tower but it was with setting that I have been running 0.25mm nozzle and 0.125 layer height and there was hardly any blemishs, so I didn't mention it Also since my last post about refitting the heater I have rechecked my wiring connections and run another PID tune.
I will change to a 0.4mm nozzle and rerun the test with the recomended setting of 0.65mm walls and 0.3 layer height in vase mode. then I will post a pic to show my findings.
@droftarts HI Ian, thank you for giving me a nodge to do the woodgrain test properly.
I changed to the 0.4mm nozzle and setup the test for 0.65mm outer wall thickness, 0.3mm layer height at 20mms in vase mode. And this is what happened:
Apart from the slight VFA’s from the slow feed, it is pretty much spot on.
I’m starting to wonder if this is more of a slicer issue as I seem to have the problems when printing models not in vase mode, All along I have been using the same Gcode program for the cube to use as a baseline, which may have been misleading me.
I’ll try using 2 different slicers on the same model to compare the results. I have been using Orca for a while, but I still have a working profile in S3D. I will post up my results