@phaedrux Yes, I will need to run more tests but will get an example from each from my printer tomorrow. Apologies for the slow replies. I only get to work with my printers on some weekends. My wife doesn't like me spending time with them XD

Best posts made by dmandn
RE: Everytime I run stop.g I get a heater 1 fault.....
Latest posts made by dmandn
RE: Duet 2 Wifi with 2x Mellow TMC5160 Pro Stepper Drivers??
I will try those (again), but normally those names are not used by klipper, instead it uses the internal GPIO pin names.Update - No those definitely are the RRF specific remapped names, don't work outside of RRF.
RE: BIQU Microprobe
@jens55 I'd be tempted to see if there is any flex in the mount for the bltouch, as that seems to be where my current toolhead design is getting fluctuations from.
One printer is seeing 0.001 fluctuations, while the other with all same except toolhead, 0.02
RE: Duet 2 Wifi with 2x Mellow TMC5160 Pro Stepper Drivers??
I'm trying to determine what the pin allocations are. Anyone able to assist with this?
In Klipper, I need to specify either the spi_bus pin or if for software spi, the spi sclk_pin, spi mosi_pin and spi miso_pin. I have the other pins already but unsure what these would correlate to. I have connected the wires to pins Labelled SPI_MISO, SPI_MOSI and SPI_SCK of CONN_SD on the wiring diagram. However, I will need the GPIO pin names, for example:
| Drive | DIR pin | STEP pin | ENDSTOP pin | SPI EN pin |
| X | PD11 | PD6 | PC14 | PD14 |
Misc pins
| (DUET) Name | (Klipper name) Pin |
| SPI0_CS0 | PC24 |
RE: Duet 2 Wifi with 2x Mellow TMC5160 Pro Stepper Drivers??
@o_lampe I'm not using the can toolboard with the duet 2 hardware directly. I am running klipper on a Raspberry Pi. The Can toolhead connects to a USB to CAN board which then connects tot he toolheat via the CAN interface. The UBS side of the USB to CAN board connects wiht the PI directly.
The duet 2 wifi was intended to run the bed heating and other steppers.
RE: Duet 2 Wifi with 2x Mellow TMC5160 Pro Stepper Drivers??
@dmandn Can any of the spi0 or spi1 pins be repurposed for SPI comms with the driver? (Asking as I don't think I can manually control these drivers).
RE: Duet 2 Wifi with 2x Mellow TMC5160 Pro Stepper Drivers??
@dc42 Klipper requires a separate definition for each driver and stepper, so that should be ok.
The driver apparently works with both 3.3v and 5v IO so should be ok there.However, no SPI might make things a bit difficult though.
Duet 2 Wifi with 2x Mellow TMC5160 Pro Stepper Drivers??
Hi everyone.
Hoping I can avoid buying new control boards and simply add 2 of these Mellow TMC5160 stepper drivers as found here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004229433552.html Does anyone know how to connect/wire these into a duet wifi? Doe I need another componenet in between?
I'm hoping to use these 5160 drivers for x and y/ab steppers on a voron 2.4. Then use the built in drivers for the 5 steppers. This leaves one leftover stepper fdriver onboard. I will use a canbus toolhead for extruder as running klipper.
As I am running klipper, this question is more relating to the hardware of the duet2wifi and not reprap firmware. I will sort the klipper configuraiton out once I know if this is possible and how to wire up.
Which wires to toolhead can be joined?
Looking to reduce the number of wires in the moving loom between the toolhead and back of the printer/controller, etc. This is in hopes of reducing the mass and number of wires moving and bending regularly. Also hoping to reduce the number of wire related failures experienced.
I am in the process of obtaining multicore silicone wires that are claimed to be more flexible and longer lasting....let's see.At present I need 23-25wires (without any shared) to handle the items on my toolhead, which are as below:
1x 2pin heater
1x 2pin thermistor
1x 2pin hs fan
1x 2pin 5015 part fan (possibly split out to 2)
1x 4pin stepper
1x 3pin xstop
1x 3pin fil runout
1x 5pin bltouch
....and possibly 2 further wires for leds.I have a Duet 2 wifi and duex5.
I believe the +3.3v and gnd pins for the x endstop and filament sensor can be grouped together? (laser sensor) (ie gnd + gnd, v_in and v_in).
I believe instead of a GND, the +v_in for the fans can be grouped and the fanx_- is the control pin for the PWM fans? So that implies I should be able to group the V_fan connectors to one 24v source?
BLtouch requires 5v for servo and 3.3v for probe in pin? possibly can share gnd with endstops for probe in? Then separate gnd for 5v side?
Also, is the heater controlled on the + or -? Seems like they are also controlling the - side?
The PCBs I found around don't seem to provide the options I want. The latest stealthburner option mostly does, but is missing the pinout for the BLTouch.
Anyone know if I have the above in combos correct? Has someone already worked all this out previously?
RE: Everytime I run stop.g I get a heater 1 fault.....
Ok, this has now been resolved (at least on one printer. Will test on the others once I have rewired them).
To fix the issue, had to update firmware and rewrite the stop.g and cancel.g files. Guessing issue was somewhere in the old firmware or in those configs.
Updated to RRF3.4.4 (Sorry, the printers were in storage for months).
Cleared all entries in stop.g and started over.
Then found it would throw the heater fault on cancel.g but is now fine on stop.g.
Cleared cancel.g, then rewrote it calling stop.g with a couple calls before and it works now too.On another topic, also found on very rare occasions to be breaking contact on the connector, even with new wires, new molex connector crimped, and new senso with appropriate connector. I have found this can be averted by fixing the connectors so they are not free to move around. ...I need to revise my cable management.
RE: Everytime I run stop.g I get a heater 1 fault.....
@phaedrux Yes, I will need to run more tests but will get an example from each from my printer tomorrow. Apologies for the slow replies. I only get to work with my printers on some weekends. My wife doesn't like me spending time with them XD