Update: Found 90v AC 3- Phase drives. Testing one soon!
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RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
Latest posts made by DoodleCube
RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
Update: Found 90v AC 3- Phase drives. Testing one soon!
RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
@T3P3Tony Its worth a shot, I like this kinda pain
RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
The servos are 3-phase 90v 2.5 amp AC. Motor spec is A06b-0371-B155. I found some 3 phase drivers on stepperonline that might do the trick, if rectified or stepped down. It seems the original configuration included amplifiers, which I am not sure I can bypass. It may genuinely be easier to swap it all with similar size DC closed loop steppers if I can remove the servo's pinions easily enough. I will admit- my experience stops at closed loop nema 23s. I really would like to drive the original motors, but the Fanuc drivers well over 2k each. There has got to be another way to drive these, they are servos after all.
RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
@dc42 The servos do have encoders built in but not full drivers. I bought the arm of an industrial liquidation company and its just the arm without the controller.
RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
I have found 2 possible drivers. Both are 3-Phase, but one is the correct 90v and 2.5 amps but its DC and only for NEMA 23s, 24s, 34s, while the other is AC, for NEMA 42s and 52s but is 176v-253v. Is it possible to rectify the DC signal to AC or would it be better to use the AC driver and reduce the voltage? My servos are 3-Phase 90v AC servos rated for 2.5amps
RE: Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
@Maestro Would swapping them be a viable option? I looked at drivers, and it will probably cost quite a bit unless I get lucky again. If these drivers are the only way, I can probably do it, just not sure which path would be easier/better
Fanuc Arcmate to 3D printer- Servo Wiring
Hello! Im working on converting a 6-axis Fanuc arm to run on duet 3 as a 3D printer. I plan to use a pellet extruder. The servos are 3 phase 90v AC. Now I do have experience with closed loop steppers, but I'm looking for any advice or info on this process. Has anyone done this before? Can I avoid using large expensive drivers and amplifiers by using a 90 volt AC supply and just sending the data line from the Duet board or do I have no choice but to use the drivers designed for this system? If so whats the best driver option for these large servos?