I just installed a Duet WiFI with a BLTouch as Z-probe on my Creality CR-10 and it works fine when moving and extruding now, and it can do Bed Probing and mesh leveling.
But when printing the head travels down in to the bed, so i do an emergency stop and put a paper under the head, and then raises it until it as hard pressed between as when measuring the trigger height. The distance i hade to raise it was the same as the trigger height.
I tried some different trigger heights in the config but it doesn't change anything and it has to be raised the same height anyway.
The trigger height is 0.92mm
My config has these lines
M574 X1 Y1 Z1 S1 ; Define active high microswitches
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H10 F200 T500 ;
G31 P10 X40 Y-25 Z0.92 ;
I have ordered one of these printers based on the many, many positive reviews.
If you can share your notes, experience and suggestions on integrating the Duet to the Creality CR-10, I would love to hear from you!