can I desolder the driver and solder a new one on?

Latest posts made by godnemoz
RE: Z motor only spin one way
RE: Z motor only spin one way
the v+ and v- of the fan shorted out for a split second
the motor was work right before hand
the motor only spin in one direction (anti-clock-ways) with both commands
try connecting a different motor, same results
motor sounds the same before problem
cheers -
Z motor only spin one way
z motor only spin one way after one of the fan shorted out i checked y,x they seem to work ok,
any help would be nice
cheers -
RE: Corexy travel problems
I guess I can after I get everything up and going
RE: Corexy travel problems
Wow that's impressive. May I ask how the hot end is fixed to the carriage after it gets picked up?
magnetics, holds real well
RE: Corexy travel problems
build area is X720 Y320 Z 800
With 3 hot ends, changible tools
diamond hot end
e3d volcano
direct drive with e3d hot end
so the hot ends get pick up as need in the print then droped offI call it "Small Box"
RE: Corexy travel problems
Its funny how a lose grub screw after tighting makes all the difference.
I cant thank you enought for your help,
cheers -
RE: Corexy travel problems
thank for the help
moving from front to back from left to right to jurks in both directions
moving front to back right to left to moves smoothly in both directions
I have nema 17 0.9 1.7a motors running at 1.3a in software
cheers -
Corexy travel problems
I have built a corexy, when it travel just in x or y it travel just fine but when it moves in a diagonal it jurks an lose step or some thing (it doesnt travel to when it ment to)
any one have any idea
cheers -
RE: Thermocouple issues
The firmware already does some filtering.
What is a rex_c100 ?
rex-c100 is a Digital PID Temperature Controller