Wondering how your progress is going. I'm picking up a 6 axis robot and hoping to use a duet board for main the control. Any advise would be appreciated.

Latest posts made by Hoops40
RE: Connection of Servo with DuetMainboard 6HC
RE: 6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.
@JoergS5 thank you, I'm in the learning stage myself. This is why I thought it would be a good idea to seek outside assistance.
Cheers for the link gives me plenty of information to go by. -
RE: 6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.
@T3P3Tony I am speaking to a software company this Friday to see if this is possible and potential costing.
RE: Melt pressure transducer
@dc42 thank you I will give it a go
RE: 6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.
@T3P3Tony thought I should add this would only be for motion.
RE: 6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.
@T3P3Tony understood, maybe via raspberry pi using python for instant conversion of commands.
I saw a converter on github using python to convert files but could this be done line by line in real-time?https://github.com/DAguirreAg/GCode-to-ABB
Would be great to use this on the older system s4c, since it has connectivity restrictions as well as memory.
RE: Melt pressure transducer
@T3P3Tony thank you this is what is from the description on the website.
Main technical parameters of PT131 melt pressure sensor;
- Range: 0-200 MPa
- Accuracy: 0.2FS
- Output signal: 2mV/V; 3.33mV/V
- Power supply voltage: 10VDC
- Temperature models: J, K, E, PT100
- Temperature resistance of diaphragm: 450 C
- Temperature zero drift of pressure sensitive diaphragm: <0.3MPa/100 C
- Electrical Connection: Seven-core Connector Pin
RE: Melt pressure transducer
@T3P3Tony apologies for the delay, sensor is a PT131 pressure transducer.
6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.
Hoping for some help, looking g at 6 axis robotic printer. I love how easy duet setup is so want to implement control on a ABB 6400R IRC5. What I was thinking is that if g code can be converted to rapid surely the reverse is possible. So wondering if via the can connection would this be possible. Obviously some sort of protocol/board required for can to profinet.
Might be asking too much but never know until you ask.
Main reason for me is I am not very computer literate but can use the duet setup and would be a far easier for me personally.
Look forward to your reply.