I've got a nimble running on my rostock max, it's on a duet wifi 1.02 but if you don't have it going by the time I get off work I'll share my config file and what motor it's got, might be of some use

Latest posts made by iamcheese
RE: Zesty Nimble configuration
RE: Stepper Motors make noise but don’t move
sounds like you may have atleast one of the phases for the stepper mixed up, i actually did the same thing earlier today
also if you send an m84 does the noise stop?
RE: Damaged New Duet WiFi - Repair Possible?
ive blown U2 on my board before, cpu was fine but i also had to replace the wifi module and the sd card, so if you power the board and the wifi module gets very hot rather quickly it is likely dead
RE: just the pcb?
@elmoret i went ahead and sent that in to you
@dc42 thanks, i added my location to my profile now, never actually thought to before, ive ordered several times from filastruder
RE: just the pcb?
had a nasty short to the 3.3v rail and it died, i could replace the attiny on the original but i dont have the means to program it and i am thinking that by the time i get the programmer and whatnot aswell as paying shipping on components it is still not 100% guaranteed to work so for probably not too much more than the same cost of doing that i could maybe buy just the pcb for the effector
just the pcb?
are there any retailers out there selling jsut the pcb, need to replace mine and i wouldnt be needing the rest of the kit. the heatsink and whatnot
RE: guess my short killed effector aswell :(
i am not sure what voltage it was, i know it burned a line into the cpu on a 3.3v line though and burned one of the legs off, im using my old duet wifi now the burned one is in a drawer
but thank you i will look into those components as soon as i find my multimeter
guess my short killed effector aswell :(
so ive gotten my duet up and running again mostly, replaced wifimodule and whatnot i can connecto to the duet and move motors around, however the green led on my smart effector is constantly on and the web ui reports it at 1000.... so the question is, is it pootched or what? tried wiggling the harness around and ive re crimped the ends also the 6 pin connector is unplugged, if it is dead would repair be worth it or should i look into replacing the whole board
RE: short burnt ATSAM4E8E
crap, was looking at the ki cad pcb file and counted over the pins on my board (i can post close up of the cpu if it helps) shoudld be it red marked pad is the one that the leg/pin is burnt completely off
short burnt ATSAM4E8E
not exactly sure what i shorted but there is a pretty distinct line burnt from pin 96 on the cpu , i replaced u2 and got the 3.3v led to light up, however all of the endstop leds next to the connectors are lit up and i have no 5v led (this is all when powered from usb) so my question is, what are some things that i should be looking at before i go about replacing the cpu so i can be more sure i dont murder another one
edit: i should mention that this is a duet wifi 1.03