@Iker Do you have the BLTouch mounted at the correct height?
With the probe retracted and the nozzle touching the bed, you should have 2.3-4.3mm from the bed to the end of the probe.
Screenshot 2023-01-03 094809.png
To measure
Start printer
Send G28 X Y ; Home X & Y only
Send M564 S0 H0 ; allow movement without homing
Jog to centre of bed
If needed, send M280 P0 S80 ; retract BLTouch
Place piece of paper on bed
Jog Z axis down until nozzle just grabs paper
Adjust BL Touch mounting position to correct height per drawing
Send G92 Z0 ; set Z axis position to zero
Jog Z axis up about 10mm to clear bed and remove paper
Send G30 S-1 to measure Z probe offset in Z direction
Take not of reported measurement.
Follow instructions here to measure probe offset in X & Y directions
Adjust config.g and restart printer