@peter247 I cheated !
I soldered my mosfet on it, I wasn't able to melt the negative pad but I could surface solder it.
Right now I'm running my bed PID, everything seems in order.
Thanks a million time to both of you
@peter247 I cheated !
I soldered my mosfet on it, I wasn't able to melt the negative pad but I could surface solder it.
Right now I'm running my bed PID, everything seems in order.
Thanks a million time to both of you
@peter247 thanks for the idea ! I have two mosfets laying around my workshop. I'll do that for sure, it will protect the new terminal !
@phaedrux Okay thank you so much for the heads-up, my soldering iron is definitely not up to par so I will look for an other one.
I will update here once the terminal has been changed. I hope I'll be able to find an equivalent terminal locally
Thanks once again for all of your help, I really appreciate it
@phaedrux Okay, I was waiting to see if there was any way to have it RMA under warranty before touching it and potentially voiding the warranty if I had one.
I will see if I can find the terminal locally and will solder it back together.
I think it will work because with no wire inside the terminal I could see 12v. I guess tightening the terminal on the wires flexed it just enough so the burnt leg wouldn't contact with the trace anymore.
Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it
@phaedrux Hello
This is a stock Anet A8 bed.
The Stock heated bed is 12V 1.2Ohm i.e. 10 Amp Peak Current.
When I measure it, I get 1.1ohm so the bed is not shorted or anything.
Also it is very weird that no fuse blew up when the terminal toasted. It feels like an early failure of the terminal
I used ferrules, see my heatbed wiring (keep in mind what you saw before was a brand new heatbed I just received)
Wire is there two wires, I have no idea, that how the bed came to me. My guess is that they tried to save money using smaller gauge wires but two of each. My old bed wasn't like that. I can provide picture of it if required. Even the doubled wires have ferrules :
The inside of the terminal looks good in my opinion :
Unfortunately, I though it was just a reflection but now with the flash it's clearly discoloured :
So I took the board out of the machine, and the negative lead crumbled to dust.
As far as I can see, it doesn't seem to have any damaged anywhere else.
Do you think it's something a soldering iron could fix or potentially the whole trace is burnt out ?
Thanks once again for your help, I appreciate it
@phaedrux Hello, thanks for the fast reply !
Here's the pictures. Talking about the terminal, I can't really see anything wrong with it, however it feels a little bit wiggly. It never occured to me to look behind the board to see if something is obvious
I will report back soon, when I remove the board