Thanks for respond guys

Posts made by Johhnyalter
RE: Calibration cube corners.
I’m nearing my wit’s end (usually not a long journey), and would really appreciate some help. I print with a FlashForge Creator Pro, using a glass planers for a bed, and ABS juice for adhesion. I’ve been having problems with some prints. I’ve been through the print quality guides on duet3d but haven’t yet found the magic formula. I’m printing a simple 10X20X20mm cube that exhibits the issues I’m having. The .STL came with the printer. I print with Hatchbox filament.
RE: Multiple heater per tool
thank you guys' help, our old solar panel hot water system works for us now and for two weeks we only turned on electric once. It is not bad. The water heater (80gallons) can be very hot, greater than 180F if you want.Second:
Winter is now coming. This year will be the first year for us to pay heating bill becaues we just owned a house. We are neverous. A 1600ft ranch only has one zone (oil, in MA). We are thinking about split it into four zones.Can you guys give us some education about this? how to do it (does not neccessary means I am going to do it by myself)? how much cost it may be? or give us some links we can learn from there.
RE: Duet wifi S3D
I have just installed a Duet Wifi and running well...However, I cant work out how to get the slicer to control bed temp. Simplify3D wants tools and laser to be indicated as T0 to T5, and Duet indicates bed as 'B' .... Yes, I can and do control bed temp manually prior to printing, but I want it auto controlled by g-code.
Could the gurus here help please ?
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
First for all!Simply tips with modem+route combo
Step 1: Check WAN and LAN connections. ...
Step 2: Verify wireless adapter. ...
Step 3: Verify AP and router settings. ...
Step 4: Verify TCP/IP settings. ...
Verify network connection with Ping. ...
Step 6: Check wireless-specific issues.