@t3p3tony Yes, by far. We suspect its being greedy on startup and causing problems with our computer, thus resetting the port to the duet. PSUs ordered, hopefully by next week will have an update. Thanks for the responses.

Best posts made by john
RE: Pump connected to heated bed sometimes won't turn on [SOLVED]
RE: Duet2 Wifi Operating Temp
@t3p3tony thanks for pointing out your previous post, and for indicating the setting change. I added the virtual driver temp control to Extras.
Latest posts made by john
RE: Supporting multiple configurations on a single Duet
This seems like a really great idea, especially for people who are tweaking settings a lot to fine tune behavior. I do this manually by saving entire config files with names like "config_original.g" or copying lines of text to track what settings I was using. It can be a pain, and certainly confusing.
Would each file be called "config.g" still? I'm wondering if config.g could be the master config, but config1.g or config2.g could be in the same directory and hold the different settings that you could swap to with M98.
Stepper Motor on External Driver: Odd behavior
We run leadshine closed loop stepper motors off external drivers connected to the duet through the expansion breakout board.
We keep seeing a little step at the end of every movement that looks like the motor didn't quite get to to where it wanted to go. Generally motors run smoothly from origin to destination, but this is smooth up until about 1.5 mm from the final spot after which the stepper motor "jumps" like its performing a cleanup step to get to where it needs to go.
I am not sure the cause, or how to better describe it. Anyone have experience with this?
Complete Wire + Crimp Solution
Does anyone have a source for custom length, crimped, wires in specific gauge and # wires bundled together? We spend a lot of time cutting, stripping, and crimping wires and want to try to decrease this labor cost. Wondering if there is a service where you pay them to create the wires you need for you. (Small team here, so time is extremely valuable).
Or does everyone just buckle down and churn through it themselves?
RE: Closed Loop Control of Stepper Motors with Rotary Encoder
@da-sid-mon What do you mean "no makeup for error?" I am not saying they are perfect, but the driver-motor combo that I indicated above does attempt to correct the lost steps. The bigger problem that I don't see either of the solutions (mine or your linked servos) is that debris / mechanical fault causing lost steps won't be remedied by closed loop. The only thing that these solutions do in my mind is indicate steps were lost BEFORE you find out after the thing runs into a wall.
I'm genuinely curious about your implementation. These systems are new to me.
RE: Closed Loop Control of Stepper Motors with Rotary Encoder
Update: I believe the issue was the external driver had a default amp setting of 8A, and the stepper motors I was using were only 2.0 A. When I finally was able to get into the external driver firmware (pro tip: order the RS232 compatible cable AND a serial-to-USB from amazon or something), I could toggle the amperage setting from 8A to 2A and create or turn off the vibrating motor issue I was experiencing.
With the omc-stepperonline driver and stepper motors, the pulse timing in M569 is set to 7.5. Anything less and the stepping from the motor sounded like grinding. 7.5 sounds pretty smooth.
RE: Not connecting
I often cycle my Duet 2 Wifi's power while doing R&D stuff or messing with the config.g file. Sometimes the IP address will change unexpectedly even though I've been consistently accessing through the same IP for a long time. For example earlier today, the IP switched from to 0.9.
A lot of the time I'll guess a nearby number and it will work. Sometimes I have to ask the Duet through M552 what the new IP is (connect directly through USB, as described below).
If you lose DWC access, you can connect your computer to the micro USB port and use terminal / yat to communicate with the Duet over serial port. This is like Step 3 of the Getting Connected walkthrough: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Guide/1.)+Getting+Connected+to+your+Duet/7
You can check to see if the Duet (Wifi) is connected to Wifi by looking at the blue light on the Wifi module. If the light is on, your Duet is still connected to Wifi but at a different IP address. Sometimes mine will disconnect and I have to power cycle. You may need to set the Duet Wifi connection up again - just follow the link above.
RE: TB6600 external drives
@joergs5 ah, thanks for pointing that out. I have the T parameter in M569 set to T10 right now - I saw a post from dc42 that said it would limit the step rate, but otherwise cause no problems. I'll leave it there for now to make sure all other things are working, and then decrease the timing later.
Regarding acceleration / speed, this is just with the motor sitting on the table, no load, and only commanding +1 mm movements. Acceleration and speed shouldn't be a factor yet.
RE: TB6600 external drives
@joergs5 If this were the issue, wouldn't it have worked when I wired all of the + leads to +5V?
RE: Closed Loop Control of Stepper Motors with Rotary Encoder
@joergs5 , the external driver has a dip switch for
"SW5, Motor DIR: off=CCW or on=CW"
"SW7, Pulse Mode: off=PUL/DIR or on=CW/CCW."I currently have it set to PUL/DR and CW to align with the Duet firmware "Forward." (This makes more sense to me than CW aligning with Backward).
RE: TB6600 external drives
@sean, as a follow on. ENA+ is by default at 3.35 V.
If the schematic above says >3.5 V, would 3.35V be an issue? If it were, I would imagine wiring all the + leads to 5V would have remedied my issue.