It was bought from filistuder

Posts made by joshuamensch
RE: Hotend heater shorted on
@dc42 so am i able to get it replaced?
RE: Hotend heater shorted on
I was using internal 5 volt unless usb 5volt counts both hotend heater leds are on as soon as i give it 12volt power and i can only get 12volts from e0 even though the e1 led is on. I am also getting 12volt from the bed heater output of which i never used. Other than the issues i just mentioned everything else it working and i can read temperatures and move motors.
RE: Hotend heater shorted on
@dc42 I purchased it on july 7th and I live I the usa.
Also i just measured all fuses are good and the bed heater output is shorted also all though it wasn't used. -
Hotend heater shorted on
I have a a duet wifi and it has been working fine for a few months now but now all of a sudden. About half way through the first layer of a print i noticed smoke coming off my hotend. I then look and my extruder is around 320c and possibly Higher may have been max that thermistor could read. The firmware tried to shut it down but couldn’t. It would only cool down after i unplugged the power supply I had it plugged in through usb so i was able to see the thermistor was still working. Later with all power disconnected usb and 12volt i measured with a multi meter and found that the heater i terminal i was using was shorted to +12v. Im just glad i was able to catch it in time before it caught something on fire. If possible can i get i new one i can send my old one in if need be.
RE: no 3.3v on duet wifi
thanks for responding i just wanted to check before i attempted a repair. Fortunately my repair worked as i had a few 5v to 3.3v regulators from an attempted repair on a duet maestro.
no 3.3v on duet wifi
I was messing around with mounting a bl touch and plugged it in backwards now the board wont communicate over WiFi or USB and has no 3.3v light i only bought it about a month ago is it possible to get a new one through warranty or am i going to have to fix it myself thanks in advance
BL touch not extending or retracting
I am having trouble getting my bl touch v3.1 to work on my duet wifi 1.04c. The tip will not extend or retract no matter what command i send. I'm pretty sure the bl touch is good as i tried 2 as i bought another one for another printer I'm building. Ive tried about 15 different configs from the config tool. here is a picture of my wiring and my config file and other files that may be useful from the config tool thanks in advance.
retractprobe.g homez.g homeall.g deployprobe.g config.g
RE: Is this capacitor supposed to be missing
@droftarts when i came back to it today i stopped getting a stepper driver overheating error but i am still having a thermistor reading error. when i put in the M115 this is the response "FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.03 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2019-06-13b2" and attached is my config.g config.g thanks in advance
Is this capacitor supposed to be missing
I just bought a duet 2 wifi got it hooked up and had some issues the stepper drivers said they were overheating even though they never drove any motors and the thermistor showed -2000c then I noticed an empty capacitor slot as shown in the picture was there a new revision that removed that capacitor or is it just defective thanks in advance
RE: 4 legged chip blew after messing with end stops
@bearer thank you I'm going to order this part and hope it fixes it
RE: 4 legged chip blew after messing with end stops
@bearer oh sorry forgot to put it in there its a duet 2 maestro v1.0
4 legged chip blew after messing with end stops
This 4 legged chip blew after i was messing with my z end stop as it stoped working now when i connect my paneldue 5 it wont turn on or when i connect to my pc it will connect with difficulty and will say one command waiting if try to do something like a homing move if it helps i was also trying to connect my paneldue sd with an old cable from my printer
My guess is i bridged 3.3v and ground would i just need to replace this chip if so where can i get it thanks in advance ***- bolded text***
- bolded text***