
Latest posts made by juniormajpr
RE: Change of ESP
This means SAM will reset ESP into Bootloader and Download mode without the need of an special Bootloader for the first time?
Change of ESP
just want to ask in short if it is possible to exchange the ESP (with a new one) of an DuetWifi and flash it with "onboard" capabilities, or is ISP needed?
RE: Question about IR Sensor and Buildtak
@okercho: Any updates on your test with clear sanded & white sanded PC?
As within spain it is also quite hard (impossible) to find an supplier for black PC here in Austria/Germany.
It would be possible to paint the underside of the pc like DC did it with PEI, but as sanding is needed i think it the probe wouldn't benefit from the painting. -
RE: 1.19beta7 and WiFi connect
Ps. Can also confirm that '@' within passphrase isn't a problem at all!
RE: 1.19beta7 and WiFi connect
@DC42: regaring the SSID/PSK topic:
within the StartClient() you are calling RetrieveSsidData() which overwrites ssidData each time it is called with data from EEPROM.
But at the end of StartClient() you are calling ConnectToAccessPoint() with the last update of ssidData as parameter (which could store wrong data at this point caused by prior RetrieveSsidData() calls).i think RetrieveSsidData() should be called again with WiFi.SSID(strongestNetwork) as paramter right after the strongestNetwork was found to update ssidData with the correct parameters again. adopted version:
RE: 1.19beta7 and WiFi connect
@dc: 1.19beta8+1 doesn't change the WiFi behaviour. but can you plz. confirm/check the above post?
RE: 1.19beta7 and WiFi connect
hmmm… once again:
[[language]] for (int8_t i = 0; i < num_ssids; ++i) { if ((strongestNetwork < 0 || WiFi.RSSI(i) > WiFi.RSSI(strongestNetwork)) && RetrieveSsidData(WiFi.SSID(i).c_str(), ssidData)) { strongestNetwork = i; } }
WiFi.RSSI's and WiFi.SSID's parameters are a zero based index from prior discovered SSIDs by blocking WiFi.scanNetworks(false, true)
At this point we are looking at the wrong index. aren't we? ++i -> i++ -
RE: 1.19beta7 and WiFi connect
@dc: i think i found the reason, why an empty config was read…
SocketServer.cpp - row 64
[[language]] for (size_t i = 1; i <= MaxRememberedNetworks; ++i)
shouldn't it be```
for (size_t i = 0; i <= MaxRememberedNetworks; ++i)same in row 83 or better (i think) not to waste one slot at the beginning (row 64, 83, 112, 521,…)
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxRememberedNetworks; i++) -
RE: 1.19beta7 and WiFi connect
will give it a try. will give feedback tomorrow.
is there the possibility to erase the ESP (incl. flash) completly from SAM/RRF? or only via ISP?