@deckingman Good point, I hear you.

Latest posts made by MarkusKruse
RE: Pre crimped cables
I have a crimp tool. Someone from duet tried to show me how to do it. I continued to fail. I have crimped some with a plier, it turned out a bit better but was also a waste of time.
I have a tool a bit like this one:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32324904680.htmlI'm not interested in trying to crimp more. I have better use for my time (and no, it isn't easy). For me there exist three options:
- Put a sledgehammer on the duet and move on. This is, of course, an insanely bad option. I guess I could also just sell it.
- Buy pre-crimped cables and use a connector I can work with.
- Use some kind of screw terminal.
Pre crimped cables
After a lot of trying, failing and cursing, I have come to the end of my crimping journey, I hope. I have ruined so many crimps. And I have ruined some shells because the cable dislodged from the crimp pin inside the shell.
I want to buy pre-crimped cables. They are often 300mm and crimped at both ends. So I will cut them in half and wire them to a screw terminal outside the board where the real cable will be connected.
If this is a bad idea, do tell me why. Another option is to use some kind of screw terminal. Does such a connector exist?
But what exactly should I buy? Here is something that looks very good:
It's molex and it is KK.Verdict? Thanks!
RE: Kossel + Duet3D + titan + volcano = quick printing?
Thank you all for your replies. You have given me lots to think about. I will start out with a standard E3D v6. Might change into a volcano later.
Kossel + Duet3D + titan + volcano = quick printing?
I'm rebulding my big Kossel XL. Little by little I want to make it into a really good printer (it started it's life as a cheap noname chinese printer). The electronics are dead so I have ordered a Duet wifi and other things, including the delta effector and new arms (DC42 talked me into it at 3D meetup in Sweden, good chat!).
I have since earlier replaced the extruder with an original E3D Titan. The hotend is a original E3D v6.
Right. I want to print fast with this machine. Print quality isn't the top priority but I still want it good. With my other printers I print at 0.2mm layer height and am hitting the melting limit for the hotends. With this machine I still want 0.2mm layer height, maybe 0.5mm nozzle but with much faster printing. The volcano should take care of that, right?
Thanks for any help.