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Posts made by nuroo
RE: Vector 3D's printer calibration
RE: New Input Shaping plugin v3.4.1-b1
Was the strangest thing. I know my harness was "fugazi", but if yours was legit. If it's something else like a power panic or buffer over flow I'll try the hard power reset next time.
Thanks for posting your experience. Felt like printer was trolling me, -
RE: New Input Shaping plugin v3.4.1-b1
Must have been a wiring issue. I dont know really. Maybe it was the temp condition of my wiring job. Using servo wire that wasn't long enough, couplers, mismatched connectors, etc. Last night after re-hot gluing the connectors I still had an issue. Today at work I see your post m122 comment, come home and it works.
If i have issues in the future I'll wire a fully soldered custom wiring harness with no connectors in the middle.
RE: New Input Shaping plugin v3.4.1-b1
Hey guys,
Great work here 1st off.
I'm having a strange issue. Last night I had over 10 successful tuning runs with this plugin. I was on my way to finding the best input shaper for my setup. Around the 12th or 13th run the plugin started crashing after the 1st X-axis move. When it crashes the dwc becomes frozen and an automatic restart is triggered, similar to if I had pressed the stop button. I have uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it, still crashes. I've tried doing a baseline run, no input shaper - but these also now crash.In case it's my issue I will do a wire continuity test from sensor thru wiring to connector for duet board, maybe the repeated movement caused the issue. I have also tried tuning only a single axis.
In my config.g
M955 P0 C"spi.cs6+spi.cs5" I41 Q2000000
To troubleshoot I tried:
M955 P0 C"spi.cs6+spi.cs5" I41 Q1000000 <---still crashesRailcore 2 zl 300
Input Shaping 3.4.0-b1
Duet web control 3.4.0
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi)
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.4.0 (2022-03-15)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.26
RE: Duet 2 - WiFi Connectivity Issues after RRF 3.4?
Recently upgraded to 3.4 as well. I can report that I had no wifi connection issues prior to upgrading. Last couple of days I've had intermittent connection drops over wifi from browser to dwc.
Maybe unrelated, u guys decide:
Last night I decided to do input shaping tuning. It was going well, I did like 11 different runs flawlessly with results/graphs to show it was working.So the 12th run no matter what I try, in the middle of doing acceleration tuning duet crashes and the dwc becomes unresponsive and reboots itself.
This was newest beta version of input shaper plugin. I'm at work, I'll edit this post with version numbers, configs, whatever additional info is requested.Railcore 2
Duet 2 wifi -
RE: Vector 3D's printer calibration
@adam-v3d said in Vector 3D's printer calibration:
I have a v4 of the calculator that I have sent to one use to test to see if my calculations are working correctly as I don't have a duet printer running at the moment.
Hey Adam. Any updates on the v4 version of your calibration tool. Specifically how to follow your process on a duet machine. In one of my earlier post, I posted the results from your current tool on a railcore.
Still willing to help if u need extra tester's. -
RE: Vector 3D's printer calibration
Thanks for the response. I also saw a different procedure and model outlined in the docs for the M556 command linked in my post above.
My interest is to make sure duet users can benefit from vector3d's method. He outlines a few reasons the common 20mm calibration model is not ideal. (I realize what you and I linked above isnt the common 20mm cube).
What I'm after here with these post is for duet users to be able to follow along with his new method. Currently, it only works for marlin and klipper. -
RE: Vector 3D's printer calibration
I'm the guy asking if this works for the duet on your video's comments. I can also help if need be.
reference command:
M556 S100 X0.7 Y-0.2 Z0.6
"The S parameter is the length of a triangle along each axis in mm."So we measured both 100mm and 50mm lengths, with your test. (will v4 average 50mm or 100mm measurements? I'm unsure how to use M556.
see my post above for the results
I have entered into the console:
M556 S100 x0.38
firmware accepts it
M556 in console - output:
Axis compensations - XY: 0.00380, YZ: 0.00000, ZX: 0.00000guess ill try with this
RE: Vector 3D's printer calibration
I was waiting for some1 to post that video link here. I saw our firmware supports the M556 command similar to marlin and klipper. I bought the model and instructions knowing the duet RepRap wasn't supported so far in his video.
Anyway I have the measurements, but unsure how to apply the correction factors.Measurements Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Average 1 99.68 99.64 99.7 99.67 2 50.1 50.05 50.07 50.07 3 99.36 99.35 99.36 99.36 4 49.65 49.61 49.67 49.64 5 99.81 99.75 99.75 99.77 6 49.96 49.97 49.98 49.97 7 99.5 99.52 99.53 99.52 8 49.67 49.7 49.69 49.69 9 99.59 99.58 99.52 99.56 10 99.65 99.81 99.65 99.70 Results Error Correction X -0.38% 0.38% Y -0.35% 0.35% Skew -0.08° 0.08° Fix Skew Klipper G Code Fix SET_SKEW XY=99.7,99.56,69.74 SKEW_PROFILE SAVE=my_skew_profile Marlin Firmware Adjustment if ENABLED(SKEW_CORRECTION) define XY_SKEW_FACTOR 0.022
Railcore 300 zl
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.4.0 -
RE: No baby stepping available during USB print
Ok. Thanks for headsup. I'll keep track.
RE: No baby stepping available during USB print
@t3p3tony said in No baby stepping available during USB print:
Sending the M290 as part of the control stream over USB will work,
That seems like the least trouble for all. What should be added to the control stream for example to make the baby stepping window available during printing?
I was able to enter specific M290 commands while railcore was printing the Palette 3's gcode stream. The console on dwc returned "ok", when M290 commands were received. This did not however bring up the baby stepping window on the paneldue.
RE: No baby stepping available during USB print
Thank you for your response. Yes I was referring to paneldue 5in.
Commands are streamed, sd card on duet board not used for palette 3.I will try issuing M290 from console while a print is active.
No baby stepping available during USB print
Hello All,
I hope this is the right location for this post, if not please move.I'm a beta tester for Mosaic Manufacturing. With launch of one of their new products they have decided to move away from octoprint for connectivity and develop their own system. In the past the printer was connected to a pi (octoprint), now printer connects directly to palette 3.
So I'm able to connect, disable heaters and motors, monitor temps, move z, most pronter face/printer setup type commands. Got some successful prints finished as well.My issue is during a print initiated by the palette 3, baby stepping is not available on printers screen. Prints not started on the palette baby stepping is available.
It was suggested I try adding M75 (Marlin code - start print timer) but this is not a reprap command.
Is there any thing I could add to my start gcode or a way Mosaic should be initiating prints on palette 3 that would enable baby stepping?Railcore2 300 zl
Duet firmware Release 3.4.0 beta 3 -
RE: Software bundle 3.4.0beta2 now available
no problem.
I appreciate the reponse. Just had a hell of a time picking the right orientation. Ultimately I never did pick the correct orientation and someone here had to help me. -
RE: Software bundle 3.4.0beta2 now available
I cant wait for the DWC tuning plugin
Did you give any thought to having firmware identify sensor orientation compared to printers axis and config itself accordingly?
RE: RRF 3.4 input shaping preview available
@mikes thank u, Sir.
I would never have chosen that orientation even after viewing the pdf. It confuses me, I wont be the only one I think.
RE: RRF 3.4 input shaping preview available
Thanks for trying to help. I did see the orientation.pdf but I was unable to determine which orientation I should choose based on the picutures because I have the adafruit sensor. When I initially set up the sensor I chose I50, but I'm unsure if it correct.
M955 P0 C"spi.cs6+spi.cs5" I50 Q2000000 ;LIS3DH Adafruit2809
The main point I failed to make with my past post was I wish the firmware determined the correct orientation. Couldnt the printer do a series of moves and see how user has sensor mounted??
I mean the printer knows what are the correct X and Y axis. If printer issues an X+ move but sensor registers a Z- for example. Then another movement to determine 1 other axis. 2 axis known. Third movement unnesscary because if 2 axis known, third is whats left???I imagine lots of troubleshooting ahead if users are picking the wrong orientation. Then try to tune the wrong axis to fix ringing <<--like this guy
RE: RRF 3.4 input shaping preview available
Sry to butt in, but this is the most active accelerometer thread.
Have the LIS3DH installed on my printhead. I'm not sure if I chose the correct orientation for the sensor in relation to my actually printer xyz axis. Hoping for an auto setup feature in firmware which deterimes orientation of sensor and configures itself. -
RE: DuetWifi 2 and LIS3DH wiring
This post got me up and running on a railcore. Had to change some pins in config setup to use daughter board spi. Im getting data thru the plugin as well. Looking forward to rrf 3.4
RE: Job.Layer not working anymore with 3.3rc2
I was also wondering why I no longer so layer number. Glad I found this thread. Can I ask what model you use with your pressure advance script?
Do you call your script at end of start gcode?