Upgraded to 3.2 beta1 and it appears to have resolved the CAN bus dropping, I will test further. Thanks everyone for all your help

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RE: Duet 3 3HC - CAN dropping
Latest posts made by pibbs
RE: Duet 3 3HC - CAN dropping
Upgraded to 3.2 beta1 and it appears to have resolved the CAN bus dropping, I will test further. Thanks everyone for all your help
RE: Duet 3 3HC - CAN dropping
@jay_s_uk thanks for the idea I already have the jumpers in position on the last board in the chain.
I will update the firmware to 3.2beta1 on my boards and post the m122 outputs
Duet 3 3HC - CAN dropping
I've tried searching the forums for anything similar to what I'm experiencing the only thing remotely close is this post.
Jubilee with Duet3 6hc and 2 x 3hc boards
The problem I'm having is that one of my two 3HC boards will either not connect to CAN or shortly after booting drop the CAN connection and disappear.
When I start the system it will drop the 3hc after a random amount of time between 0 seconds and 2 - 3 minutes . Refusing to respond through the web interface; the CAN led will also begin to flash rapidly.
I have tried a number of things
- Verified the last board is correctly terminated
- Updated firmware
- Tested with multiple can cables (Purchased from Filastruder)
- Changed CAN bus address
- Connected single 3hc
- Swapped the two 3hc boards.
The good 3hc works in every configuration, the problematic 3hc drops the CAN connection in all setups.
When I send the m122 b1 to check the board it initially shows up as working, after the CAN led begins flashing m122 times out.
Has anyone else seen this before?
Diagnostic Before and After board disappears
m122 b0 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC version 3.1.1 running on Duet 3 MB6HC v1.01 or later (SBC mode)
m122 b1 Diagnostics for board 1: Board EXP3HC firmware 3.1.0 (2020-05-15b1) Never used RAM 162.8Kb, max stack 368b HEAT 1088 CanAsync 1452 CanRecv 1420 TMC 156 AIN 560 MAIN 2208 Last reset 00:00:49 ago, cause: power up Driver 0: standstill, reads 48151, writes 11 timeouts 0, SG min/max 0/0 Driver 1: standstill, reads 48152, writes 11 timeouts 0, SG min/max 0/0 Driver 2: standstill, reads 48152, writes 14 timeouts 0, SG min/max 0/0 Moves scheduled 0, completed 0, hiccups 0 VIN: 20.6V, V12: 12.2V MCU temperature: min 40.6C, current 40.6C, max 40.8C Ticks since heat task active 55, ADC conversions started 49298, completed 49298, timed out 0 Last sensors broadcast 00000016 found 1 58 ticks ago Free CAN buffers: 36 NVM user row de9a9239 aeecffb1 ffffffff ffffffff
m122 b2 Diagnostics for board 2: Board EXP3HC firmware 3.1.0 (2020-05-15b1) Never used RAM 162.7Kb, max stack 352b HEAT 1088 CanAsync 1452 CanRecv 1388 TMC 156 AIN 524 MAIN 2208 Last reset 00:03:44 ago, cause: power up Driver 0: standstill, reads 48246, writes 14 timeouts 0, SG min/max 0/0 Driver 1: standstill, reads 48249, writes 14 timeouts 0, SG min/max 0/0 Driver 2: standstill, reads 48251, writes 14 timeouts 0, SG min/max 0/0 Moves scheduled 0, completed 0, hiccups 0 VIN: 20.7V, V12: 12.2V MCU temperature: min 39.9C, current 40.1C, max 40.3C Ticks since heat task active 128, ADC conversions started 224372, completed 224370, timed out 0 Last sensors broadcast 00000014 found 3 131 ticks ago Free CAN buffers: 36 NVM user row de9a9239 aeecffb1 ffffffff ffffffff
After a moment the CAN led will begin blinking rapidly and will no longer be addressable.
M115 b1 Error: M115: Response timeout: CAN addr 1, req type 6024, RID=41
RE: Need ideas/help with Z homing 2 independent Z motors
@veti thanks again makes total sense, I appreciate the quick response.
RE: Need ideas/help with Z homing 2 independent Z motors
Thanks everyone for all your help I now have my Z homing correctly! Not sure if it was partly an issue with the older firmware. I also had my 586 configured incorrectly and my motor's where moving backwards.
I have one more question regarding my Z homing after it homes it drops the bed down to far by a few MM do I need to go into the negative numbers with my G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z0 command? should it be Z-1 or is this set somewhere else I'm missing?
RE: Need ideas/help with Z homing 2 independent Z motors
@phaedrux Thanks, your completely right I didn't realize how out of date my firmware was. I've updated it to the most recent versions we will see if that changes any of the behavior.
Firmware Version: 2.04RC1 (2019-07-14b1)
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6 -
RE: Need ideas/help with Z homing 2 independent Z motors
@dc42 Yes the bed lowers increasing the distance between the nozzle and bed, it sounds like this is the correct response to sending a G30? It makes me think you might be right that I have my Z axis moving in the wrong direction.. jogging + should increase the distance between the nozzle and bed? It's currently reducing the distance between nozzle and the bed.
@Veti Thanks for catching that you are correct I haven't changed e1 from being assigned as an extruder. I'm sure you just saved me some headaches down the road.
Need ideas/help with Z homing 2 independent Z motors
Hi everyone,
I'm a little stuck on configuring my custom CoreXY HEVO I'm using dual motor's for the Z, one attached to Z and the other attached to E1. I've read through a number of other peoples configurations using dual Z motors on the forum but I'm still stumped. I'm using a NPN normally open Z probe sensor for the Z axis, I've done a static test with my Z-probe and the web interface shows my Z probe working correctly. When I try to do a dynamic test using the G30 command the bed moves in the wrong direction, away from the hot end. Once I trigger the Z probe it then moves back in the correct direction a small amount and stops. When I try to home the Z axis the bed doesn't stop when the Z probe sensor is triggered and it runs into the hot end. I'm sure I have something configured incorrectly I know I probably need to adjust the lead screw positions slightly in the config.g m671 command, but I don't see how that would produce the incorrect movement direction. After I do a dynamic test manually triggering the Z probe I am able to jog the motors and they move in the correct direction. I know it must be something small that I'm missing in the configuration.Any ideas? They would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Using Duet Ethernet 1.02 or later
Firmware 2.0(RTOS) (2018-06-05b3)
Web Interface Version: 1.21.1
CoreXY HyperCube Evolution3_1565505289709_homez.g