I recently picked up an ender 5 with a duet2 wifi board needless to say as I have limited experience I have managed to get it working with reprap and have a working config and the wifi is working .(couple weekends of tinkering)I have a couple issues where the bed temp doesnt heat up fast enough I get an error even after doing m303 h0 s65 it does its learning thing but even after it finishes it still gives the error saying bed temp didnt climb fast enough.I just reset the fault and keep doing that until it reaches 60 where it has no problem maintaining. I have the bl touch working runs quick enough when i do the mesh but when i do the actual print and it does the bed level its quite slow as well as when it prints it is slow and it constantly stops and then after 5 or so seconds it prints. my question is could it be the update delay for settings is set to 500ms and the update for delay for cache changes 1000ms ? my slicer speed is 80mm/s default as i can tweak things after i get it running stable any help would be great