@elmoret said in Acces DuetWifi from the internet?:
You could forward a port on your router, but be advised that setting things up incorrectly could yield security issues.
Will look into this!
Thanks for the warning
@elmoret said in Acces DuetWifi from the internet?:
You could forward a port on your router, but be advised that setting things up incorrectly could yield security issues.
Will look into this!
Thanks for the warning
@t3p3tony said in Acces DuetWifi from the internet?:
@rudydg best is to use a VPN into your home network. The Duet runs on a microprocessor that's not designed to handle HTTPS encryption as well as printing!
Will look into this!
@pro3d said in Should I make the move ?:
I wonder what you need to update on the fly on a frequent basis? I can do most my necessary changes in Marlin from octoprint over the WiFi
Also how is the WiFi control any different from the Octoprint control? I dont see much but I am a Duet noob
I am developping a "new" printer, and then on the fly adjustment are very welcome.
Never used Octoprint control, went from native Ramps / Rumba to DuetWifi.
I don't know how i can acces my duet board from the web. It would be nice to control the system from distance. Anyone?
I made the change, after many ramps / rumba. Could not be happier, everything is so much easier with the full wifi control, macros and on the fly changes.
I rebuild a Leapfrog Creator HS with this the wifi version (and the duex5 expansion), together with the height sensor, and it works very flexible and solid.
I am even thinking about "upgrading" my Ultimaker 2 mark2. (not my Ultimaker3, there is to much custom designed in that printer, even if i miss the filament detection there)
@sjason1377 Yes, if you upload and print with the web interface, it works. I installed a simple microswitch, and printed 10 almost empty reels this weekend
@t3p3tony said in Timer possible?:
@rudydg At this point in time there is no seperate timer option in firmware to take a specified action after a period of time. I have moved this discussion to the firmware wishlist however it may be some time before it is implemented.
An alternative (although not perfect) would be fore you to use a slicer plugin to add a call to the LED turn off macro at (say) layer 10. That will of course depend on how long the layers take but it could help for now.
Yes, this can help me for now. didn't think about this solution.
Yes, at this moment that is a option, but the lights may go out after some 20minutes or so, like on my Ultimaker.
I connected a led strip to on of my heater outputs, and can switch it on and of with macro's.
But i would like to have to have it switched off after xxx time. Is this available in the firmware?
Many thanks,
I'm sorry, the extent of my Dutch/Flemish is "twee biertjes alstublieft". Can you translate the comments for me?
whosrdaddy helped me out i guess.
Fun to see "twee biertjes alstublieft" always works ;-);-);-)
I have a second question,
How s the sequence of the toolchange files, i think there are 6 files, but i have some issues there also, and i don't find a clear explanation about is.
@whosrdaddy said in Working with variables in Gcode?:
@rudydg :
you could switch to relative positioning after the first G1 command, this way you only would need the absolute coordinates (Translated comments for @dc42
) :
G1 X280 Y5 F20000 ; safe zone
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Y18 F5000 ;position in front of the slot
G1 X7.1 F5000 ; go in the slot
G1 Y-7 F5000 ;move first part
G1 X-2 Y-7 F5000 ; almost out
G1 X-1 Y-7 F5000 ; free
G90; absolute positioning
G1 X280 Y5 F5000
Ok, thank you, did not see you translated for me.
And will have a go with this method. Indeed yes, only one set of coordinates to manipulate in this situation.
I know i can use the macro's, that is not the poitn.
This is the code i use to switch head (ultimaker head) it is rather complicated, and when i change something, i have to rewrite this entire code...
That is why i want to use some variables.
Many thanks,
G1 X280 Y5 F20000 ;velige zone
G1 X280 Y23 F5000 ;ga voor gleuf
G1 X287.1 Y23 F5000 ; ga in gleuf
G1 X287.1 Y16 F5000 ;beweeg eerste stuk
G1 X285.1 Y9 F5000 ; beetje uit
G1 X284.1 Y2 F5000 ;vrij
G1 X280 Y5 F5000
Hello, i have a complex movement (changing head position in a ultimaker 3 dual head)
my code i made up of about 10 lines of small movement, and is carrefully tested.
Now i want to change the startposition of this movement in the X and Y position.
I know i can use the relative coordinates, and switch back to absolute coordinates after the movement, but then still i would have to make a X and Y movement to the startpoint.