searching for 'calibration' leads to so many specific discussions I can't put it all together. A deadline to get a lot of small precise parts printed soon is not helping!
I'm trying to fine-tune my extrusion flow and plowing through discussions about pressure advance, non-linear extrusion rates, not to mention the speed, accel, and jerk settings. Anything else I'm overlooking?
I've been trying various settings with the pressure-advance-test-wall python script and I never seem to get above the point where the pressure advance is too high.
The interplay between accel, jerk, speed, pressure advance, and non-linear extrusion rate is too complicated and I'm not making progress.
Is there a place that discusses the proper sequence of adjusting all these parameters? I've read some of the official Duet calibration docs but they don't seem to wrap up everything in order.

Best posts made by shadowphile
Where to start with a comprehensive extrusion calibration?
RE: I want the exact profile (wrt to time) of my effector motion.
thanks for the reply!
Here is a web based analyzer that is accurate enough to include motion parameters like accel., I guess I'm trying to get a real-time plot because I want to know WHEN I'm hitting limits. The weight of the mobile parts and the dynamic torque of the motors determine when those limits are reach but that isn't practical at all (and even harder with a delta).
But I it seems like without an external way to track the tip there is no way to know. And of course if you could do that, then you can close the control loop and get rid of calibration problems (almost) completely.A lot of concepts from the original reprap release were fine for the early days and cheap builds but as performance is increased some of those elements need to be revised. Closing the loop to get cheap but precise nozzle placement would be a big improvement and just eliminate most calibration issues. Easy to do with 3 encoders on a cartesian, much harder on a delta. Sometimes I wonder if my delta is worth the trouble. There's a reason most printers aren't deltas.
RE: troubleshooting delta build with heightmapping
I think the lesson I learned is that the heightmap is a useful tool for troubleshooting mechanical problems, since any looseness will show up as shifts in Z. In my case the delta symmetry of the heightmap indicated a common problem with all three towers: the effector wasn't stable, loose screws.
In fact, even with a bed flat to .02rms, I still get a ghost of a delta pattern, interesting. -
RE: troubleshooting delta build with heightmapping
-Interpolate: 'how did that get turned off?'. On the other hand, no seemed to change when enabled it.
-offset: my offset is about .5 and varies across the bed <.01.
-G30: 9-factor miraculously got me down to like .02mm rms. However, the rods are now tuned 4mm longer than the actual rods! Not comfortable with this. I also had to adjust the scale on x and y axes 1%. However, I saved it all with M500, then changed the G30 routine back to six-factor. There seem to be hidden variables that I shoved around because now six-factor still returns .02.
So I am good!G29 (Heightmapping):
does this just record the height at each spot and linearly interpolate between them? (after G30) Doesn't seem to improve my overall rms.No matter, I think I got it worked out; thought I might be in some major trouble there, whew! Consider this solved and thanks for the help!