Once again asking for help like Bernie... custom 3d delta printer (D300VS). I can get older prints to work okay (simplify3d 1.x and reprap 1.x) have since both upgraded each to 3.x.
Everything homes, calibrates, and mesh maps perfectly, it's flatter than I could imagine. Now my print ALWAYS starts below the homed height. Like I have to micro-step it up 0.7-1.2 mm to have it print the few few layers.
Okay so whatever fine, print goes for about 20-25 layers and the hits a problem with the infill where it pulls the part off. I am using a 99% infill so its a "semi" unique situation. I printed several calibration cubes and other than the bottom being f*ked if I didn't z-step the motors back, everything printed just as i expect. 20mm and nothing wrong except the bottom layer starting height.
I know the D300VS isn't a normal printer and only a few here have tried updating to 3.x but what would cause the behavior that if i set G92 z0 with a piece of paper the G32 call command causes the print head to hit the bed. Without doing that or calling M851 to clear it before hand, it homes (mean:0.00, deviation:0.001). Height map is green, I have a 210mm delta print bed so my "M557 R100 S20" seems to work pretty well.
I don't have any z-offset in my bed.g but from what I can tell its not using that. If I comment out the M557 call the I need to manually set the mesh diameter (as well as use G30 to get a Z height or it yells at me)
M115 call;
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.3 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2021-06-15 21:45:03
I've included my config, and happy to do any further diagnostics/testing needed. I have printed older Simplify3d (altho less complicated objects fine) I don't know how to export my Simplify3D Settings but I can post whatever is needed and was never an issue before.
Also I'm printing an object at 45 degree angle, the supports all print fine, its the small piece that sticks to the bed thats having the most fits. I've tried rotating both 45 and random degrees even though it says my bed is level.
Recently replaced some ghetto PEI with a sheet fit for my bed from e3d, so that should have gotten better and getting more consistent auto calibration results so I'm at a loss.