@dc42 I moved the jumper to V_FAN and VIN it now works! Thanks! I guess the jumper was in the wrong place all along.

Latest posts made by spidy
RE: Fans not working
RE: Fans not working
@dc42 Both the always-on fans are not working. Just to confirm.
RE: Fans not working
@dc42 Thanks for the tips but I still don't know what's going on! I did all the continuity test you said to do and if you look at the image, there's continuity in greens, no continuity in yellow and pink for the jumper on the board. My board says v1.2.
Also none of the fans work and I even changed them all not to be no Thermostatic control.
If it's a mosfet problem how do I confirm and fix it? Do I need to get a new board?
Thanks again for taking the time to answer my noob questions. Other my fan problem this thing is super quiet. I'm considering getting another to replace my CR-10 mini board
RE: Fans not working
So what could be wrong if I still have continuity from the Fan Jumper Select VIN pin and the +VIN terminal on the power in block?
I've been very careful not to jump any wires and haven't seen any shorts yet.
I've also tried all the gcode commands regarding the fan. Still no go.
The fans just don't work. I tried all the fans I have both new and old so I'm sure it's not them. Any other ideas to would be greatly appreciated.