Haha. That's easy enough. Thanks @dc42! I didn't think it would fit there and hate to admit I didn't even try I was able to confirm the z-probe is working again though!

Posts made by sslouch
RE: Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
RE: Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
Couldn't get it fixed but I finally received a new smart effector yesterday after being out of stock for a while. Unfortunately, they have changed the configuration of the connectors and as a result it can no longer be used as shown in the documentation on Filastruder. They have moved the thermistor connector to the other side of the PCB so now the heat sink fan no longer fits there. The only place it can go is in the front where the print fan is (was). I was using the print fan bracket and print fan duct from @dc42 on thingiverse. Does anyone have any suggestions for a print fan for this new PCB configuration? Thanks!
RE: Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
@crynool I am afraid it is the PCB. Unfortunately they appear to be out of stock until mid February
I found a different mounting adapter that uses the magball mount points instead so I will try when I get a new one. Guess we are down until then. -
RE: Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
Thanks all.
@crynool No, it does not flash when you tap hot end.
@Mike It is the same fan that I have always used with no issues until now.
@Dougal1957 The tube ends flush with top of adapter/bottom of Nimble.
RE: Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
Thanks. I used the mounting adapter that Zesty provided on Thingiverse. I did use nylon washers for the 3 M3 screws/nuts on the bottom and the adapter was printed from PLA which was touching the top. I removed it and saw no damage and reconnected it without the extruder attached and still no z-probe
RE: Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
I didn't see anything obvious. Is there something/someplace more specific I should check? Thanks
Smart Effector Z-Probe No Longer Working
Switched over to a Zesty Nimble extruder and now z-probe is not working. Flashes twice when powering up but then nothing. Fails static and dynamic tests and will crash into bed if you try to set z-probe trigger height. Checked all connections and probe has power at connectors. Any thoughts? Thanks
Duet 2 Wifi
Delta (started as a tevo little monster)
E3D Volcano Hot EndFirmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Firmware Version: 2.01(RTOS) (2018-07-26b2)
WiFi Server Version: 1.21
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6 -
RE: Tevo Little Monster + DuetWiFi + Touch7" (my conversion)
Exactly what I was looking for. The schema wasn't the issue it was the Tevo control box wiring and this picture is clear. Thanks a lot for your help.
RE: Tevo Little Monster + DuetWiFi + Touch7" (my conversion)
I just made the same conversion (plus the smart effector) but my labels fell off the power wires from the connector on the control box to the Duet board for the power in and the heated bed. Can you help me tell which is which? Maybe a clear picture or something? Thanks
Tevo Little Monster Power Supply Wiring
I have added a Duet Wifi and smart effector to my TLM. Can someone help me to identify which wires from the power supply connector mounted on the control box are for the Power In 12-25V and which are for the heated bed? I thought I labelled them when I removed from the old board but it appers not
I have seen a few pictures but it is hard to tell which is which. Can I tell the difference with a multimeter? Thanks in advance for your help.