@oliof ok fair enough, do you know if they adjust the input shaping for each of the accelerations? if so then maybe thats why they need to scan at different accelerations.

Controversial posts made by T3P3Tony
RE: Help me understand Input Shaping
RE: filament monitoring in RRF only active printing from SD card?
@run-it if you are using the web interface to upload files then they are being stored on the SD card on the duet (in stand alone mode) or on the sd card on the SBC in SBC mode so that's fine.
Its only when streaming gcode line by line over (e.g. USB) that filament monitoring is not enabled because in that situation RepRapFirmware is not running the job, some external gcode sender is.
RE: 1HCL Brake delay
@highfreq I will look at the control signals coming from the board using a scope and see the timing between them