Hey David,
How should we provide the config.g files? E-Mail, or post it here?
You should have mine already since weeks… I was one of the first to get affected. My duet is 0.85, and I am still on FW1.18, be ause the 1.19 was not stable and all above is not working with the symptoms you have described above...

Posts made by Teilchen
RE: Duet 06/085 startup problems with recent firmware versions
RE: Firmware 1.20 released
I'm still having problems I'm afraid. Cannot connect to my Duet 0.6 after upgrade to 1.20.1 (RepRapFirmware.bin). I can see that it boots up and runs for about 25 secs, then both ethernet connecor LEDs go out for 3-4 seconds and pattern repeats over an over.
I've installed manually the DuetWebControl associated with this firmware release.
Any ideas?
Regards /Thom
This sounds exactly like my problem with 0.85 too.
I did not think about simplifying the config.g, since this is not an option to my opinion, but I am curious to see the results. I am still on 1.18.1 because of that. The 1.19 does run, but it is very unstable, and the 1.20 will not start up at all with my config. -
RE: Magball Arms length and delta calibration
Thanks, but I recall David was suggesting to better use a M579 GCode to adjust the XY scale…
RE: Magball Arms length and delta calibration
Those are good starting points but the rod length you use might be longer or shorter depending on whether printed objects are correct in xy. Search forum there's a lot about this.
Thanks DJDemon, there is a lot infos indeed, some of which is rather confusing then helping. I am printing with ABS mostly, so a deviation of 0.1mm can also be the material shrinkage, etc. this was more a rithorik question so to say.
I have never bothered to measure my rods actually, otherwise I would see, that the labeled length of 360.21mm is including the pivot point already. Again, a little silly, but the printer was busy as it poped into my mind…
Previous build was coming from Think3DPrint3D with preconfigured FW, so I had no doubts there...Thanks everyone for help!
Magball Arms length and delta calibration
Hi, just a quick question on the actual length of Magball Arms and the value I should enter in M665 of config.g.
This might be a silly question, but do I need to enter the length printed on the rod, or a sum of arm length and diameter ball couplers or something?
Thanks! -
RE: New firmware 1.20 Release Candidate 2 - please try it!
Does anybody else use FW1.20 with Duet 0.85 and DueX4?
With my hardware configuration FW1.20 doesn't even start up (it seem Duet is struggling to get an IP).
FW 1.19 runs with occasional resets (can happen even midprint).FW 1.18.1 runs with no problems at all.
DC42 was mentioning too low memory with my config, but I have no idea what exactly is causing this issues.
RE: Firmware 1.20 Release Candidate 1 available
Please can you load RRF 1.20RC1 again, confirm, the problem is still there, then send M122 for USB and post the report here. Also post a M122 report from RRF 1.19.
One possibility is that the configuration you are using is leaving your Duet short of memory, which would explain the problems you are having with both RRF versions. The M122 report may shed some light on that theory.
David, I have tried to flash it again using the DWC. The same behavior. It seems I also cannot sonnect over the USB, the Duet is recognized in Windows, but the drivers can not be installed for some reason, so I cannot connect via Comport. I am not sure why it is not working. The erased board is recognized just fine. I can flash it with Bossa.
Any thoughts?
I have been playing around to gather more information, please let me know if I should open a separate topic.
It seems that I cannot flash a newest FW over the DWC (1.19.3) anymore. The procedure works fine with FW_1.18.1, but with 1.19 and 1.20RC1 the printer doesn't seem to be able to reboot automatically, and gets stuck with the 'Update successfull! rebooting…' message on the PanelDue.
With the 1.19 FW I can power-cycle the printer and it will operate 'fine'. But reboots once in a while, even with sitting still and doing nothing.
With 1.20RC1 even if I power-cycle it, it doesn't seem to be able to find the network (see my original post).I will use 1.19 to get the M122 listing for you...
I have the M122 listings, but I cannot find a way to attach it to this message from my mobile device... -
RE: Firmware 1.20 Release Candidate 1 available
I have just tried to upgrade to 1.20RC1 on Duet 0.85, from 1.19 Stable.
It seems I have a difficulty to connect to my Duet over the Ethernet. I have my Duet set up to get the IP address over the DHCP. It seems it cannot do it anymore for some reason. I must admit, that I have a complicated network, but it was and is working until 1.20 just fine.
I have used the DWC to upgrade the FW, and after the flashing, I could not connect to the board anymore.
I was thinking that flashing over DWC went wrong for some reason, so I have flashed the board with Bossa.
It seems that the Duet reacts just fine with RJ45 disconnected, I can use PanelDue to home, and to jog the axes.
However, as soon as I plug in the Network cable, printer starts to act strange. The PanelDue commands are ignored, or executed with a great delay. It seems like the CPU is struggling to get the IP or something.
I also notice the SmartEffector LEDs are blinking very shortly once in a while. Like after a reset during boot up.I have downgraded to 1.19, and network and the Duet is working fine.
But I get random Duet resets out of nowhere with 1.19… so I wish to get upgraded as soon as possible. -
RE: Z probe stuck at 1000 with smart affector
Ok, that sounds promising…
can I use the P1 in the meanwhile? Will it accept the R and F parameters still?
I guess I will have to adjust the P value in G31? If I tap the nozzle in P1 mode, the Z-Probe value jumps to over 900...
I cannot try the actual bed probing just yet, since my printer is opened for maintenance. But I would like to finish the cablework, so I can close it up. -
RE: Z probe stuck at 1000 with smart affector
I have sort of a combination of both cases discussed here:
- the green D3 LED blinks twice on startup and is off if the effector is at rest
- the LED blinks every time I tap the nozzle upwards
- it blinks five times if I send the M672 S131:131
However, the DWC reading is stuck at 1000 if I use the P5 type Z-Probe in my config.g.
I have tried to Bridge the pin 5 and 6 on my cable loom on the effector side - no effect, if I Bridge the ground and Z-Probe in directly at the DUET 0.85 - result is the same, no effect on the Z-Probe reading.
I have used a multimetrer tool to ring the wires, it seems I have a solid connection there.
If I rewire the effector to use the IR Probe and reconfigure the config.g accordingly - the IR sensor works fine.
it seems to me, that the FW is not liking the P5 type Z-Probe, or I have an interfering configuration somehow.If I set the M558 to P1, the Z-Probe seems to work (the G30 will be stopped by a gentle tap). Is it a valid solution? what is the difference between P1 and P5 then?
I am on 1.19 FW, running a 1.19DWC and Duet 0.85.
RE: Smart Effector wiring
Thanks David.
Since I am running an airpump for my part cooling, I have sacrificed the part cooling fan wire from my loom, to make it the Z Probe Mod Signal. -
Smart Effector wiring
He, just a quick question about the Smart Effector:
I am converting my delta from the standard effector to the smart one. The cable loom is already there and it is based on the Think3DPrint3D Effector Breakout Board, with 10 wires in it. It seems that I'm missing one wire for the Z Probe Mod.
It is quite a hassle to add one wire into the loom…
Is this cable used to adjust the Smart Effector Z Probe sensitivity? Will the sensor operate without this wire connected?