@dc42 May i ASK you, wegen the Beta Release of 3.5. ist sheduled?

Posts made by zivo
RE: Can an Axis be moved, while other commands are processed?
RE: Change axis order in DWC
@dc42 y es, thats definitly the order
RE: Change axis order in DWC
@phaedrux Im working on rrf3.3 on a duet 6hc in sbc mode.
; Drive direction M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 Z M569 P1 S0 ; Drive 1 Y M569 P2 S0 ; Drive 2 X M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 PnP Bowden Tool M569 P4 S0 ; Drive 4 COUPLER M569 P5 S0 ; Drive 5 D PnP-Axis M569 P20.0 S0 D2 ; Drive 20.0 (E0) spreadCycle mode M569 P21.0 S1 D2 ; Drive 21.0 (U Axis) spreadCycle mode M569 P22.0 S1 D2 ; Drive 22.0 (E2) spreadCycle mode / Hybrid Extruder ;M569 P23.0 S1 D2 ; Drive 23.0 (E3) spreadCycle mode / deativated M569 P1.0 S0 D2 ; Drive 0 Can 1 W Axis M569 P1.1 S0 D2 ; Drive 1 Can 1 V Axis M569 P1.2 S0 D2 ; Drive 2 Can 1 Filament Extruder M584 X2 Y1 Z0 C4 W1.0 ; Axis to driver mapping M584 D5 U21.0 V1.1 S1 ; set Rotation Driver M584 E20.0:1.2:22.0:3 ; set extruder drivers (Mosquito; Rotation; Hybrid; PnP)
They are displayd as X,Y,Z,W,U,C,V,D if i recall it correctly, currently not near the machine.
Can an Axis be moved, while other commands are processed?
I have a question regarding the way motion commands are processed. I am working with a very heavily modified toolchanger from E3d. The printer is used for ongoing research for process adjustments of FDM printing. I have upgraded the system to the Duet 6hc mainboard and rrf 3.3. 4 toolheads are used, 3 of which are connected to toolboards v1.0. The other is a very complex setup with an expansion board 3hc.
Currently 8 axes of motion are defined. 3 (U,V,W) of these axes can rotate endlessly (theoretically, 1000 revolutions in reality).One of the rotation axes is used to compensate cable tensions and is critical for the functionality of the whole system. The required commands are inserted manually into the Gcode, or implemented as post-processing.
In the process, the system should behave like this:
Normal 3d printing takes place in X,Y,Z. The additional axis U performs a movement at the print head, which applies a small amount of tension to the cable harness. V should compensate this tension in the following printing process.I have the following problems with this process:
The movement of V is comparatively slow to the other axes. A single control therefore causes long downtimes and strong artifacts in the print result. If I insert the compensation movement into the next movement command of X,Y, the total speed of this command is strongly reduced to synchronize the axes. This also leads to uneven paths.I would like to know if it is possible to move an axis parallel or unsynchronous to simultaneous commands. In my imagination the axis V balances the tension with the highest possible speed while other commands are executed. This would speed up the process enormously, since the axis U can reduce tension on its own by moving backwards, as long as this is in accordance with the path planning.
Using meta commands, it would be necessary to check at regular intervals that the trailing axis V does not exceed the tolerable offset, but these are optimization problems.
It would be incredibly great if I could implement this functionality within rrf and not have to tinker with an external controller.I'm sorry to write so much here without showing the machine, but unfortunately I can't do that at this stage of development. However, I will be happy to explain everything in due course. However, the Duet system has already helped me a lot to develop a really powerful prototype of a production machine.
TL;DR - need to schedule a movement that runs while other commands are being processed.
Change axis order in DWC
is there a way to change the order of the displayed axes in the DWC? I work with the Duet 6hc with toolboards and a 3hc expansion board. Currently there are 7 axes defined which are not sorted alphabetically nor by the config.g file. In terms of operation, it would be important for me to change the order to avoid errors.