I use a PT100 on my main printer, and I have just gotten a PT1000 (no amplifier board needed).
While a thermocouple might have faster temperature response, I like the PT100 and it is definitely not prone to breakage on a printer.
PT100 is calibrated to have 100 Ohms at 0 C, while a thermocouple has to be calibrated (think ice bath) against another already calibrated thermocouple - however it wouldn't hurt to confirm resistance on a PT100 either.
Thermocouples are prone to noise because the signal is a voltage signal and can change quickly.
An RTD (like PT100) can be affected by the length of wire because it can subtly increase resistance (hence why I want to try a PT1000 - precision piezo sells some) - although if they came with four wires you could actually compensate for the resistance - but alas they do not for printers.