Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation
I need some help with Mesh compensation. I've read all about this, but I think I've missed something.
I get a nice mesh with original BL touch but when I print it seems that the compensation is not activated. I'm a little unsure how to make it work.
The only thing I have is the following in slicer (Cura)
G29 S1My printer is creality cr-10s
Firmware 2,04 -
How do you know that "it is not activated"?
When I have a large print, I see that it does not cover as well at one corner of the bed and i can´t see/feel if the lead screw is moving. But I can't be sure it's activated or not. Therefore, I asked if it is the right settings I have made or is it something wrong. If the settings are correct, then I can troubleshoot other things.
You dont need G29 S1 after G29, but i think its not doing anything bad as well. G29 probes mesh and activates it already, so no need for otherG29 S1.
@Runar What firmware version are you running? Send M115 in the DWC console and post response.
You shouldn't need the second G29 S1; G29 on it's own will probe the bed, save the height map in a file on the SD card, and activate bed compensation. You can check this by sending M408 S3, which shows the compensation in use in the report:
M408 S3
{"status":"P","coords":{"axesHomed":[1,1,1],"wpl":1,"xyz":[-3.868,-17.534,10.900],"machine":[-13.108,-27.845,10.850],"extr":[556.4]},"speeds":{"requested":15.0,"top":15.0},"currentTool":0,"params":{"atxPower":0,"fanPercent":[100,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"fanNames":["","","","","","","","",""],"speedFactor":100.0,"extrFactors":[100.0],"babystep":-0.050},"sensors":{"probeValue":0,"fanRPM":0},"temps":{"bed":{"current":60.4,"active":60.0,"standby":0.0,"state":2,"heater":0},"current":[60.4,184.9,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0],"state":[2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0],"names":["","","","","","","",""],"tools":{"active":[[185.0]],"standby":[[190.0]]},"extra":[{"name":"*MCU","temp":32.7}]},"time":7606.0,"coldExtrudeTemp":160.0,"coldRetractTemp":90.0,"compensation":"None","controllableFans":1,"tempLimit":290.0,"endstops":4088,"firmwareName":"RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet","geometry":"cartesian","axes":3,"totalAxes":3,"axisNames":"XYZ","volumes":2,"mountedVolumes":1,"name":"CartesIan","probe":{"threshold":500,"height":1.25,"type":1},"tools":[{"number":0,"heaters":[1],"drives":[0],"axisMap":[[0],[1]],"fans":1,"filament":"","offsets":[0.00,0.00,0.00]}],"mcutemp":{"min":13.3,"cur":32.7,"max":33.1},"vin":{"min":11.4,"cur":12.0,"max":12.4}}You can send M408 S3 while printing to check (I just did!)
Okay, thanks I try when I get home. Stupid question though, you say "save the height map in a file on the SD card" I do not use any SD card my heightmap.csv is in folder / sys. Is there a difference?
My Firmware 2,04
Ian means G29 saves the height map in file on SD card. And yes, you have SD card in Duet, the / sys folder is on it. Without SD card Duet will not work, assuming its Duet2 (wifi, ethernet or maestro, doesnt matter)
@aidar said in Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation:
Ian means G29 saves the height map in file on SD card. And yes, you have SD card in Duet, the / sys folder is on it. Without SD card Duet will not work, assuming its Duet2 (wifi, ethernet or maestro, doesnt matter)
Thank you all, now I understand. I will check everything when I´m at home.
@droftarts said in Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation:
M408 S3
You can also see if compensation is active in the results of M122
Make sure your Z "jerk" (M566) isn't set too low, if it is, the motors may not move at all.
@gtj0 said in Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation:
Make sure your Z "jerk" (M566) isn't set too low, if it is, the motors may not move at all.
If the Z zerk is too low the Z motors will still move, but the X and Y may pause to give the Z axis time to finish the move, resulting in jerky movement.
@Phaedrux said in Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation:
@gtj0 said in Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation:
Make sure your Z "jerk" (M566) isn't set too low, if it is, the motors may not move at all.
If the Z zerk is too low the Z motors will still move, but the X and Y may pause to give the Z axis time to finish the move, resulting in jerky movement.
You know, I thought I was speaking from experience...
https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/13423/can-anyone-else-confirm-these-z-behaviors-with-3-0rc1?_=1576942676499But I'll be damned if I can replicate my findings now.
@gtj0 I can't speak to any variation between 2.x behaviour and 3.x behaviour.
@Phaedrux said in Duet 2 wifi Mesh compensation:
@gtj0 I can't speak to any variation between 2.x behaviour and 3.x behaviour.
Thanks for confirming my worst nightmare... it's just me.
Used this to solve my issue with my Predator upgrade. Set Z jerk to 1500 and poof, problem solved.