Z babysteps not working while printing 3.1.1
@DerGulli said in Z babysteps not working while printing 3.1.1:
thanks for the quick reply I really appreciate
I just use the baby stepping command on Paneldue and the web interface. As I said both versions work fine as long I am in “pause” state.When you are in "printing" state if you send M290 in the console do you get any result?
nothing in the config of both of you looks weird to me
btw I just retested on my printer ... printer started .. I'm playing with baby steps on the paneldue and this is on dwc
so it is "during print", no pause, pre, after ... the head is moving and plastic is going out
print is started from the sd card trough "upload and start" on DWC
Do you happen to have incredibly long and slow moves on the first layer? Though I'm not sure that even matters anymore.
Hello all,
thanks for your support so far ! I checked with M290 and i got the correct readings but by Z axis didnt move.
At the end i tried to reinstall my firmware ending up that baby stepping works now as intended.I don't know what was messed up.....btw. i used my old config that i posted before.
Best regards and thanks
@DerGulli Hey, nice to know you solved it.
I will try that too... I was just worried that reinstalling the firmware might screw something up since now the machine is working great (apart from the baby-stepping problem... -
I can confirm that reinstalling the firmware solves the problem.
Very bizarre. Thanks for the updates.
@Phaedrux said in Z babysteps not working while printing 3.1.1:
Very bizarre. Thanks for the updates.
it's not "iap4e.bin" as omni didn't change that one but he uploaded again duet2combinedIAP.bin with the duet2combinedfirmware.bin .. I know I had some issues myself uploading duet2combinedIAP.bin before it's possible they had wrong version? not sure what that part of the firmware does and is there any way the upgrade procedure checks if all files are inter-compatible but..
I suspect that they were not actually running 3.1.1. If the IAP files are not present the firmware update will fail.
@Phaedrux can't say for DerGulli but omni's duet was flashed by me, I had to flash 3.0.0 using usb and than upgraded to 3.1.1 trough dwc, checked three times diagnostic output was properly stating firmware version.... not to mention, there's no 3.x version with babystepping not working
I know that if IAP files are not there update will fail, but the iap4e.bin is from 3.0.0 iirc (not present in later releases) and the duet2combinedIAP I know I put the 3.0.0 version on the SD card directly and the new one I uploaded trough DWC but as I said I had DWC before f*up the upload of the IAP file so dunno what happens if you have IAP from 3.0.0 and firmware 3.1.1 (well probably what we just seen)
i can remember when i got the board (new with duet) i just tried upgrading to the newest firmware and it failed. The i started reading.
Thats how man do... break stuff and read the instructions after
Then i updated to 3.0 then to 3.1.1 as it should be.
Maybe something got mixed up trying to update to 3.1.1 directly.Greets DerGulli