Hello everyone,
until now my printer is running fine excluding getting my first layer right sometimes.
My idea:
setting up a PINDA including temp compensation and mesh bed leveling.
What i have done:
-Connected the PINDA signal to the Z-probe in (got 5V from the expansion header)
-Connected the PINDA temp sensor to E1 thermistor 2
-Checked the trigger hight according the guides with different probe temperatures and calculated C
-Define my grid
-Defined my homing scripts (homing Z is done at the middle of the bed and with G30 to set an Z0 datum)
This is what i set up in my config:
M308 S2 P"e1temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 A"Probe" ; Configure extruder 2 temp input as thermistor on pin e1temp PINDA
M558 P8 C"^zprobe.in+zprobe.mod" H3 F120 T10000 ; set Z probe type to switch and the dive height
G31 P1000 X24 Y-21.5 Z1.260 H2 S25.4 C0.00758 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X34:186 Y31.5:174.5 P3 ; define mesh grid
homing scripts and complete config g attached
No comes the point I don’t understand.
When doing my mesh compensation, I receive different outcomes.
The height differences between the probe points stay the same but the initial point the height map is built from varies.
When I got the version with initial point I probed my Z0 datum (this is also the point I home and set my trigger height) the print runs perfectly. If I got the other versions the nozzle height is off….
As i understand the Z height in the map should be close to zero where the nozzle was homed.
Good version: (homing point marked with the cursor)

Wrong version:

I tried different ways to generate my map but i cannot find a pattern that is reproducible.
Home Z
Your help is appreciated! Please tell me just that I’m thinking wrong and messed it up 
Greets DerGulli
p.s. please be patient as im new with reprap (;
homez.g homey.g homex.g homeall.g config.g