how to recompile the firmware.bin
If the 4th motor has its own homing switch, then you should be able to home it in the normal way using a homeu.g file containing at least a G1 H1 Uxxx command.
good morning I already had a home A I was trying a 4 rotary axis I changed it to home U but with the line of code (motorpos [3] = irinf (-1 * (theta + psi) * stepspermm [3]) you suggested the homing u does not go. it could be something badly put by me or a bag in rrf lpc. what i am interested in is the function with the negation to be able to maintain a position of the 4 axis when proximal and distal move, have a homing u for the repeatable posignone and if there is a way to send commands (example G1 U30) to call the 4-axis head position
You will need to temporarily make the U axis visible using M584 P4 before you can home it. After homing it you can hide the U axis using M584 P3.
When you have this working, you can do the hiding/unhiding in homeall.g instead.
Did you manage to compile the firmware? I keep getting PATH errors in eclipse even though all of the right paths are inputted. As you know I'm building a machine very similar to yours, but I'm using a Duet WiFi instead of an SKR board.
@koaldesigns did you install ARM toolchain and the make extension (make that can execute longer lines) and added them to Windows system path (if you use Windows....)?
If you run cmd and execute path, you should see something like
C:\Program Files\GNU ARM Eclipse\Build Tools\2.6-201507152002\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\8 2018-q4-major\bin
in the path and if you use Windows 10 and execute "make -v" (without parantheses) in the cmd, it should say GNU Make 4.1 and if you execute "where make" (without parantheses), then it should something similar to C:\Program Files\GNU ARM Eclipse\Build Tools\2.6-201507152002\bin\make.exeWhen you've managed to install it and add it to the path, then you have to restart Eclipse to be effective.
Your xtensa error message: in the DuetWiFiSocketServer root directory is a readme with some information about xtensa installing. xtensa is the brand of the ESP8266 chip. For RRF3 you don't need to compile the WifiServer project.
I compiled a firmware for @koaldesigns in the mean time (but not without stumbling around a bit trying to build from head).
@oliof Thanks for information. The first time I wanted to build the firmware I had a lot of problems, but the more often I build, the easier it gets.
Step 14 in would benefit from a bit of wordsmithing. I will take a gander. Also, building from head requires you to switch to the dev branch of DuetWifiSocketServer due to the upcoming transmit power control.
Using the 3.1.0 / 3.1.1 tagged commits makes it a bit easier (-:
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Hello everyone ! thanks to dc42 for the last help on the homing of the 4 hidden axis! I managed to recompile the firmware with the help that everyone gave me [rrf 3 lpc on skr v1.3] lately I had little time, the homing on 4 axis hidden by problems !!! maybe some bag on rrf3 lpc? in loading the new line I noticed that it was missing ----; ----- at the end of the line, it made no sense to me !!!!!now i bought a duet 3 6ch and i don't know how to recompile the firmware to add the hidden 4 axis !! can you help me ? or tell me if I find documentation and where? if I can help you too but I think you know more about me on rrf for duet !!!
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@tony73 said in how to recompile the firmware.bin:
now i bought a duet 3 6ch and i don't know how to recompile the firmware to add the hidden 4 axis !! can you help me ? or tell me if I find documentation and where? if I can help you too but I think you know more about me on rrf for duet !!!
See Development of RRF is currently on the v3.02-dev branch.
Please upgrade the firmware on your Duet 3 to version 3.1.1 and check all is OK before you try to install your own firmware.
duet 3 6ch arrived from 1 day I'm connecting it to the scara !! all different from rrf lpc on skr v1.3 ..... m122 tells me this
version 3.01-rc9 !!! I don't know how to update to 3.1.1 is there a guide? and T: -273.1 can I use this 100k thermistor on duet 3 6ch? it went on rrf3 lps + skr v1.3
I have no idea how to update the firmware !!! thank you all !!!
Download, then upload it to the Duet from the System page of Duet Web Control. More at
Yes you can use a 100K thermistor.
sorry but an example of config.g how to set up a 100k thermistor could you give an example or is there a guide? do I need an expansion card for this thermistor? thank you!!!
Have you seen the config tool yet? You can choose your sensor there and set the values and it will generate a full config set for you to further modify.
Thermistors do not require any other hardware.
problem solved now goes !! in the duet 3 6ch there was the firmware 3.01 rc9 I reloaded 3.1.1 maybe that was the problem !!!
So you've got it sorted out now?
hi yes I have solved it now with version 3.1.1 the temperature is seen by the thermistor 100k !!! question is it possible to load the rrf 2.05 version on duet 3 6ch? because scara on version rrf 2.05 with G0 x-200 y-200 reversed the arm like the scara helios and could go in the unreachable area !!! but with the rrf version 3.1.1 it doesn't go anymore !!!! thank you !!
example scara helios from minute 0: 50 to minute 2: 02 inversion in the unreachable area !!
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