duet 3 connecting z probe inductive sensor
You have the brown/green wire connected to the 3.3v for power.
The diagram shows the probe being connected to 12/24v vin.
Does your probe function at 3.3v or does it need more?
@Phaedrux I just connected it to vin 24v but still see no difference in the z probe value.
Do you have a link to information on what probe it actually is?
@Phaedrux This is the exact one. looks like the pnp style sensors require a resistor?
can you show us your new wiring
@1997alex said in duet 3 connecting z probe inductive sensor:
@Phaedrux This is the exact one. looks like the pnp style sensors require a resistor?
Ok, so it's a PNP NO sensor not NPN.
See if this makes a difference.
Ok,I ordered a few 10k, 30k and 68k resistors. I’ll follow up on how it comes out or whether it works. Here’s a drawing of how I’m understanding from the article how to connect the resistor to the duet and sensor. If this doesn’t work I’ll just buy a npn sensor. The yellow lines are the two resistors tied together and connected to ground and sensor wire.by the way the positive is going to be connected to 12v pin. Correct me if I’m wrong or a potential .
Ok never mind the resistors, I’ll try that out later but I just ordered another probe that is a npn swapped it out. It works just had to fix a couple wiring issues but anyone out there wanting to use a inductive sensor make sure it’s a npn inductive sensor, also the sensor works with the 3.3v power in the io5 pin and didn’t need to wire it to the vin or 12v. I have the brown going to 3.3v, the blue going to ground and the black going to “io5.in”. Well thanks for the help problem solved.