Duet2 WiFi Firmware on Raise 3d E2 ?
you can still go klipper with mainsail
that will give you a good alternative. -
@Veti first I want to get the board running again
have you tried these firmwares
@Proschi78 the iap from here should work https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/releases/download/2.03/iap4e.bin
@jay_s_uk with 2.02 ?
@Proschi78 yes
@jay_s_uk ok i will test it
you need to rename it to match the missing file
have you uploaded the file i sent you to the same place?
@jay_s_uk yes
@jay_s_uk said in Duet2 WiFi Firmware on Raise 3d E2 ?:
did you rename it to Duet2combinesIAP.bin like the error message says?
where did you put the file on the sd card?
you are missing a 2 in the filename
ok after restart it works