Duet2 WiFi Firmware on Raise 3d E2 ?
you need to rename it to match the missing file
have you uploaded the file i sent you to the same place?
@jay_s_uk yes
@jay_s_uk said in Duet2 WiFi Firmware on Raise 3d E2 ?:
did you rename it to Duet2combinesIAP.bin like the error message says?
where did you put the file on the sd card?
you are missing a 2 in the filename
ok after restart it works
Version 3.0 still on it
which firmware file did you use?
the files you send me
i did not send you any files
@Veti sorry I confused you with Jay
which one did you use? the one from the dropbox or the one from the 3.0 one?
the one from dropbox could be 3.0 to be fair. i just built it from their github