Mains bed pwm frequency/flickering lights.
@tekkydave, I don't know the SSR model, I was asking regarding your suggestion to @Surgikill. Is there a simple way to test if a SSR is zero crossng?
@zapta I don't think so apart from the manufacturer's spec.
@tekkydave This is the SSR I bought.
Probably a fake. I paid 9 bucks for it back in 2019.
Why buy a fake for 9 bucks when you can get a real one (25A) with certification for 9 bucks?
or the 40A for 17$
I have this one by the way.
@Phaedrux Probably because this is the first time I've heard of fakes, and every time I looked up genuine ones they were 35 bucks.
It was really bad a few years ago.
@Phaedrux Great. I have like 4 of these SSR's in various projects, some using 220V and high current. Can't wait to see if any of them explode.
If you check out it has two pics to highlight how to spot the fake Foteks.
The Real Ones look like this:
and the fakes:
@tekkydave Yep, mine is fake as shit. Looks like I need to get some better ones.