Duex0 Still on the way?
Im putting a significant amount of effort into making my own version of this. Admittedly the drives will have no SPI option as that is irrelevant to my specific machine, adds significant complexity, and the project has low marketability.
If there is something in the works, I would obviously want to use that instead of spending time engineering something that will likely be inferior, even if it has a nice BLTouch port.
@phaedrux said in Duet 2 Wifi Expansion board IO usage:
@sphyloid I doubt that we will do a DueX0 now that Duet 3 a 3 Mini are available. There will be a Duet 3 main board with external driver outputs instead of internal drivers.
@droftarts said in Duet 2 Wifi Expansion board IO usage:
@sphyloid There's the Duet Expansion Breakout Board: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_Expansion_Breakout_Board
Or did you want that, but with all the features of the Duex?Ian
Unfortunately I need fans, endstops, and thermistors. Looks like I better hit the books and get working.
@sphyloid At least with the schematics of the Breakout board and Duex5, that should get you a long way!
Prototype V1, no pullup resistor on the endstop, no holes to bolt the board to anything. The 12 pin header goes to the right end of the EXP. 24v power gets pulled in on the left. Also the plugs had to be installed on the back of the board. Lets just say there is room for improvement.
My next revision is going to have a 5p Molex KK for a bltouch port using heater 3 and E2.STOP. The other endstops are going to be 3 pin Molex KK.
Another big change is going to the 50p IDC, better that I do not risk me or a future caretaker plugging in the connector wrong. I imagine 5v power going somewhere 3.3v is supposed to go could cause issues.
Thermistors are easy with a 4.7 kohm resistor.
The fans on the other hand fans and heaters will be challenging. Ill have to review the schematics for the Duex. Also if I am adding heaters, I should probably re-work how I get 24v power onto the board and distribute it.