Dead duet?
this good new
i think
i did measure from the top of the board where the thermistor gose in and the vssa on the back
igusses that was wrong
measuring again from the 2 pins in the picture i have "OL" = broken fuse ?im thinking of doing the
"Bypass the original fuse with an external cartridge fuse, fitted between one of the VSSA connections and one of the ground connections."just to dubble check can i use any ground on the board?
Thanks dc42 for a fast and grate support
Yes you can use any ground, but for the lowest thermistor noise level I suggest you use one of the endstop connector grounds.
it was the fuse !
1000 thansk again for greate support DC42!!!!! -
grrr still broken
gose from normal values to 2000 to -2
random spikes may be the fuse holder …..
The 2000C spikes suggest a bad connection somewhere.
yes it was a faluty fuse holder
solder it on the holder and now its been stable the last 5 min
thanks again! -
well its just not my week this week
run 2 print with out problem
one on each extruder
after that i tried to start a dual print
left the room and came back after 5 min and the duet is dead all light is black
and no i cant turn it on by the psu
it works by usb but not by normal power
i also did see a smal spark by the heater led light in the left corner
so my guess this time is that its somthing wrong with the heatercan i fix this also ?
sorry for being a pain but is just not my lycky week -
I'm not sure what you mean by the "left corner" - do you mean the bed heater LED or the E1 heater LED?
See the note at about not using metal washers.
its E0 heat lead i think
and im not using metal washerwhat can i do now to fix this
If all the LEDs on the Duet are off, then no power is reaching the board. Either your PSU has stopped working, or the VIN terminal block screws are no longer tight, or something is shorting the PSU out.
you have right again
the psu dont provide 24v any more
thank for the fast support ! -
one of the v+ port has gone bad on the psu
the other works finne now
duet is up and runing again
thanks again!hopfully this is the end for all my problems for now
how bad is this ?
Supply voltage: min 20.8, current 23.7, max 24.5, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0do i need to get a new psu ?
You might want to measure the voltage with the bed heater fully on and with it off.
DC42 I think this may be what has happened to meas well. I got a reading of 1.4-1.7 ohms from the VSSA to GRD, too low? I have 2000c on the hot end connections, but the bed reads normal room temp.
Check your M305 P1 parameters. If they are correct at least approximately, then a reading of 2000c on a thermistor channel normally means you have a shorted thermistor, or a short between the thermistor and ground.
The line is set up for the E3D thermistor, double checked it to be sure it still the way it has been. all the VSSA read the same with a meter, However when I plug the hot end on to the bed slot it reads normally. I found the Wiki page on the fuse:
I know I could solder the fuse like in the picture. the side with the resistor would be a problem for me going to the endstop ground. My hand wiggles on a good day, and shakes on the not so good ones. those terminals are pretty close together. I think I end up making a mess of things. I looking for someone who could do the work for me with the proper tools. Could that ground go to a different spot ( or is that just the closest. place)
I found one of the part numbers for the fuse, there are a lot of resistors on there that are all 10k is this one acceptable or is there another one they carry that would be better in your opinion?
Yes that 10K resistor is fine. Or you can leave it out, but then the firmware won't tell you if you get another VSSA short.