Diode laser installation on duet 2 workbee cnc
Hi folks,
I have bought a diode laser to upgrade my workbee cnc machine with more functionality
(I have an eleksmaker too but it's too small and not stable)
Already invested a lot into the machines of my woodworking workshop, I def want a opt laser but it's too expensive for now!I have bought this laser: http://voidmicro.com/Products/Laser/LD3070LA-en.html?page=page_laser
5.5W diode laser.
It has a 3 pin cable: (yellow) PWM-TTL 3.3v-12v / (black) GROUND / (red) voltage input 9V- 15 VI am totally lost now, too much/different info available..
I have read different topics on the duet forum, i have searched how the opt laser is connected to the duet and also asked the workbee facebook group for help but I'm not getting any wiser!
Links I've already read:
Can someone help me out and explain in a simple way (I'm not good with electronics) how to connect it to my duet 2 ethernet board? Atm I use 24V on the duet and fan outputs.
Do I need step down buck converter 24V-12V for the voltage of the laser? Or an optocoupler as protection? Or a pull down resistor for current flowing back to the duet board?
Or is the simplest way buying a duex 5 extension board and use that to control the laser?
Or changing to a diode laser with control board like the neje ones that are supplied with an external 12V power supply?
I really don't want to destroy my duet ofcourseThe software I want to use is Lightburn, which I already found how to create Gcode ( based on this one https://codingblog.galcomp.net/2021/01/04/optlaser-duet2-and-lightburn-setup/ ), I may need to change a few settings I suppose....
I hope I can get a bit wiser by you! Thanks a lot!
PS: this is my cnc setup:
Ooznest workbee 1500*1000, AMB Kress spindle 1050FME-P DI digitally controlled with PWM converter. The digital control I found out myself and wrote a manual for it on the ooznest learn portal to help others
Or can I install it like this?
You need a small board that inverts the signal
I actualy get my laser wired on heater3 and i use rrf3 on my duet2 wifiI was able to order that board online , i need to double check to find out the link and i'll post it here
@g0rg Did you order a fully assembled board or just the components and assembled yourself?
Just the boards and the components on the same website and i soldered the comps afterward.
I should buy 5 pieces minimum but for for a very cheap price -
@g0rg Okay, thanks. Can you provide the link?
click on open in editor.
from that editor you can purchase the board and components -
@g0rg Seems some of the components are discontinued or out of stock
If you mean the LTV-814H, Digikey is showing no stock, but Mouser has some, and so does RS.
@dc42 Actually, I was trying to have the board on your wiki built and assembled for me.
The 74HCT02D,653 is out of stock on jlcpcb.com so have I to explore other options -
@chimaeragh said in Diode laser installation on duet 2 workbee cnc:
The 74HCT02D,653 is out of stock on jlpcb.com so have I to explore other options
Any other 74HCT02 in SOIC-14 package should do.
@dc42 Thanks