servo wiring with external power source to the duet2
Hey all, im looking for a wiring diagram on how to correctly connect a servo motor to a duet2 with an external power source.
I want to connect a buck step down module like LM2596 to the 24V power supply and use it to power a 5V servo and also connect the duet2 to the same 24V power supply and control the servo via the duet2.
I grateful to all for the help.
@zapta I have already read through this page. Unfortunately, I could not find any information on how to properly connect an external power source for the servo.
Connect- servoGND with GND (doesn't matter where, since the buckdown converter uses common GND already) (*)
- servo Vin with 5V
- servo signal with Duet output pin
*) if you want to go safe, wire DuetGND to ConverterGND and then connect ServoGND with DuetGND, but as I wrote above, the GNDs should be common already.
@dericka, since the (-) input and output fo the buck converter are shorted, you seem to have a ground loop.
@zapta OK, I hope I have understood correctly
@dericka, I would keep the ground wire between the duet and the buck converter and remove the one between the power supply and the buck converter. Motivation: this will result in cleaner signal to the servo since it's ground is more related to the Duet's.
Any expert here wants to chime in?
@dericka said in servo wiring with external power source to the duet2:
I could not find any information on how to properly connect an external power source for the servo.
@Phaedrux , since the doc has a long discussion of power issues and mentions that "Both issues can be avoided by powering the servo from a separate +5 supply.", maybe adding a recommended wiring diagram there may help. Just a suggestion.