Can a 6HC control Daylight/Disco on a Stick LEDs?
@jay_s_uk yes as either will work or just the white led version? If the RGB will work, how should it be wired?
@Reine as far as i know the disco ones are 5v so you would connect them to the neopixel header.
The concern then is current draw and you may need to use an external 5v supply -
@jay_s_uk I have a separate MeanWell 5v 25W psu for my SBC, but I'm considering powering it straight from the wall so it says on even after the printer is shutdown. So without the RPi on it there should be just enough power for three of those led bars.
Would you mind linking me the controller? Will the controlled need to be flashed or just plug-n-play and everything then controlled from the 6HC?
I'm not sure how much I would use RBG tbh, sure it's fun but white would probably be used 99% of the time anyway. That would be a cleaner solution I as it doesn't need a controller, how about power, would the 6HC have enough for three bars (total of 90 leds) or would I have to directly power it from the 24v PSU?
@Reine i'm not sure what controller you mean? the 6HC has built in support for neopixels (both RGB and RGBW).
And with connecting the strips to the 6HC or 24v it really doesn't matter. whats important is the current limit of the output you're using. The white ones can be daisy chained so as long as they're under 6A, it may be better to just use one of the heater outputs
@jay_s_uk ahh I read your message again and saw I misinterpreted you the first time I read it. Though you meant the RGB version needed a NeoPixel controller of some sort but what you said was it connects directly to the NeoPixel header on the 6HC. If that's the case, cool!
The once I've found do not have RGBW, have you seen any of those around?
I've tried to find specs for the CR80 72lm LEDs, do you know how much power they use?
Each XXL stick has 30 of them and I was thinking of using three sticks. -
@Reine looks like the don't do an RGBW stick (although they should!)
RGB LEDs typically draw 60mA at max brightness. So 30 per stick and 3 sticks would be 90. This would be a max current draw of 5.4A (27W), which would be slightly above the current draw of your external 5v PSU. -
@jay_s_uk Do you have any idea how much those white only leds draw?
@Reine it depends what LEDs are used.
If its the spec ones, they can draw a maximum of 150mA per LED, so 13.5A in total -
I am running a daylight on a stick on a secondary heater output on an SKR2. It tends to flicker with PWM, so it's recommended you power it direct from the PSU, and only use the negative for PWM control/switching on and off.
Is there any other place to purchase these or alternatives in the EU than lab4450? I've reached out to the guy on Discord and asked about the daylight & disco on a stick, but his responses were not very convincing that he know what he's doing and tbh quiet rude at times. Not mentioning he never got back to me after "confirming" a XXL stick would draw max 10W..
@Reine if you're in the UK, printyplease and Vector3D have them