My new simplified printer design
Hi *,
I want to give you a sneak preview of my new printer concept.
My main learning from former builds it that the movement of the print head or the part causes 80% of the problems with prints, specially artifacts, ringing and problems with layer shifts etc. So I came to the conclusion to reduce the moving parts to the absolute minimum.
The next problem is the bed, all of the size limitation, flatness and the first layer issues. I tried to solve that with a entire new bed design reusing some old hardware I had in the shelf. (You can see the bed on the right top side of the build. )There are still some problems to solve but the entire new concept looks promising to me till now.
OK, enough joking for now. Since a while I was thinking about turning my bench board into a real test bench for software and configuration tests. So I created this printer dummy.
The horizontal space in front of the board will be used for a kind a plate for some leds and switches to simulate input etc. And I will place a 2nd V6 clone next to the bed simulator to simulate a chamber heater. And the wires need some labels to make it faster to change setups.The thing has no name yet, I'm open for suggestions.
Cheers, Chriss
@Chriss good work! Having no moving parts should certainly reduce ringing! I should probably build one of these for firmware testing, rather than cannibalising my working machines every time.
@droftarts Thanks Ian,
I came to that Idea when we had this unexpected reboots during prints, I guess you remember. I was not able to test more because I needed the printer. And you had no printer which matched my hardware.More steppers will be connected later to simulate even more axes or multi steppers per axis. Maybe a display I have a old lcd display left. I think that there a plenty of options to add to the rig if needed.
I think about a beadboard too. To connect other kind of sensors or servors or whatever.And I need at least one CAN device, not sure how to do that without buying a toolboard, maybe will source a clone, or something from a 3rd party. I will decide that as soon as I have the need for it.
Cheers, Chriss
@droftarts maybe do something like the test rig one of the FluidNC devs came up with
You mean there is a better choice than the IKEA "Wall 'O Boards" with max reconfigurable can bus options
@T3P3Tony that needs just a couple of led lit cable guides (-:
@oliof cable guides make it too much of a faff to reconfigure it
@T3P3Tony need some cables tray lol