Duet 2 v1.02 not responding
@thomasvanderwal said in Duet 2 v1.02 not responding:
M665 L230 R105.6 B200 H650 ; set delta radius, diagonal rod length, printable radius and homed height
B parameter should be 100. It's the bed radius, not diameter.
; Probes
M558 K0 P0 H5 F120 T6000 ; configure manual probe via slot #0Change this to:
M558 K0 P5 C"e0stop" H5 F120 T6000 ; configure analog probe via slot #0
Connect the 3-wire cable from the bed to the e0 endstop connector. Reset the printer, and in DWC in the Status panel under "Sensors" you should get a "Z-Probe":
The probe is '0' if it is not triggered, and '1000' and highlighted red if it is triggered.
Press down on the bed and see if it changes. If it goes from 0 to 1000, all is good. If it goes from 1000 to 0, you need to invert the signal by changing M558 C parameter to
. If it doesn't change, either the wiring is incorrect, or you need to investigate the bed further.M851 Z-2.0 ; Stel de Z-offset in (verlaag of verhoog de waarde afhankelijk van je situatie)
M500 ; Sla de instellingen op in de EEPROMRemove these lines from your endstop configuration. They are not correct.
M104 S200 ; Stel de extruder in op 200°C
M109 S200 ; Wacht tot de extruder op 200°C isRemove these lines from the end of config.g. You should not automatically heat the hot end at power on, it's dangerous.
After these changes, please also send
M98 P"config.g"
to the printer in the DWC Console, and post the response (you can cut and paste text from the DWC console)This not to follow for a dutchman.....Can you give me some tips?
If there is something specific you don't understand, please ask a specific question. This is too vague to answer. For 'tips' you should read the documentation. If you mean "What do the Gcodes in the config.g mean?", you can look up what each Gcode means in the Gcode dictionary: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes
If we can get the probing working, I think you are nearly there!
@droftarts I changed it all. Yes nearly there, but first Ihave to sesolve (or you haha) this:
@thomasvanderwal said in Duet 2 v1.02 not responding:
but first Ihave to sesolve (or you haha) this
I said this earlier: You need to tune both the bed and extruder heaters. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Commissioning#h-7-tune-heaters
@droftarts commissioning done!
When I wan't to print with a Tractus do I need simlify3d as a slicer or is Cura etc also good enough? -
@thomasvanderwal Any slicer is fine, the devil is in the detail of setting up the slicer correctly. I use the open source Prusaslicer, Orcaslicer and occasionally Cura. I don't use Simplify3D as it is paid-for software, and the open source options are just as good. Try and find a good guide to setting up the slicer profile for your machine.
You may also want to calibrate your steps per mm (ie make sure that when you command a 10mm movement it actually moves 10mm), and at your speeds and accelerations, which are set to the default at the moment.
We have a basic Calibration guide here: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Calibration . While our guide is good for basic calibration, you may want to fine tune everything. Teaching Tech has a good set of guides here: https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html
@droftarts It's also new to me to make configuration files for the filaments.
Do I need to make a directory /filaments and create this? -
@thomasvanderwal You don't need to use the filament functionality of DWC/RRF. I don't! I just put the filament in that I'm going to use, and set up the slicer with the correct filament. It's up to you.
Creating a new filament should create the /filaments folder if there isn't one already. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/DWC_filaments
I changed S1 to S0 in M569. It went the wrong way.
Finally I wanted to print. But it "hit" the bottom. I thought I leveled the delta but. It says:
Error: G30: Probe was not triggered during probing move -
@thomasvanderwal said in Duet 2 v1.02 not responding:
extrude en retract seems to go the wrong way.
Change the M569 S parameter for the extruder. See "Reversing a stepper motor" in https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Commissioning#h-10-check-stepper-motors
Also my PLA goos neary through the opening
I'm not sure what you mean.
But I don't know if the extrusion or retracting button on my duetPanel works also with this code.
Can you show a picture of what buttons you mean?
@droftarts I think I mad e some good changes due the PLA. My latest concern is the leveling
@thomasvanderwal said in Duet 2 v1.02 not responding:
My latest concern is the leveling
What's the problem? Most likely you need to do the bed calibration, for which you need the probe to work. Is the probe working now?
Also check that the motors move the effector the correct distance. See the "Check distance moved" section of https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Commissioning#h-10-check-stepper-motors
For a delta printer, it's easiest to check movement in the Z axis, eg measure from bed to nozzle, move it down 50mm in DWC, then measure from bed to nozzle and check it moved 50mm.Ian
@droftarts Probe was said in an error statement.
I will manage the leveling. But The printer stood some time still. How can I clean a nozzle? I think its full or something. The tube (hot end?) before the nozzle is that also to clean?
@thomasvanderwal said in Duet 2 v1.02 not responding:
How can I clean a nozzle? I think its full or something. The tube (hot end?) before the nozzle is that also to clean?
Usually, if you heat up the nozzle to 200C, you can push out old filament with new filament. If it was printing a different material, eg ABS or Nylon, you may need higher temperatures, eg 230-240. Don't leave it at this temperature when the PLA goes through.
The feed tube may also have filament in it, it just means you have to push more filament through. Or you can detach the feed tube from the top of the nozzle, and pull the filament back out by hand. To take off the tube, shows this in the pdf manual.
If you can't push filament through at all, you may need to diassemble the hot end. Unfortunately the manual doesn't seem to cover this.
@droftarts Nozzle was defect. I changed it and now extruding works.
And I still confused about the leveling. Do I have a Z probe? Or did I configurated it as something else?
In web controller is the Z-probe 0 and goes to 1000 as you managed.
After pushing the button "Delta configuration". The nozzle hamers the bed. What do I need to do to get the leveling right?
The Commissioning document is very confusing. -
At Z=11 it touches the bed. I followed the steps for trigger height with g92/g30 . Then used G31 and put the z number (trigger height in config with G31 x0 y0 z-2.0 Is that right?