Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin
I have a duet5+ mini running with Raspberry pi 5 in SBC mode. This has been working well for several months. Upon power up I now get a "Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin" error.
I have used the SBC Setup guide and checked the continuity of the cable - OK, Standalone operation of the Pi GPIO pin 22 physical (25 logical) and that seems to behave OK.
Are there some state checks that I can perform on the mini5 whilst it is waiting to boot from the Pi? -
The most common reasons for this error are:
Other wires running too close to the ribbon cable, creating interference. Heater and motor wires can be particularly noisy, route them as far away as possible.
Ribbon cable too long, damaged or poorly connected. Check installation of ribbon cable. Ribbon cable should ideally be not longer than 150mm.
Signal reflections have been reported by one user. This may have been caused by a ribbon cable that was too long, or damaged.
Does that sound like a possibility in your setup? -
@Phaedrux Thanks for the reply. I have checked the cable and it is fine, it is the ribbon cable that came with the Duet. It seats properly at both ends.
I was hoping that there is some form of diagnostic capability for the Mini5+ that would enable me to check the operation of the pins on the Mini5+ in a similar fashion to the way I could check the Pi with the linux gpioget gpiochip0 25 command? May be there is an M command in the DWC somewhere that allows me to set/read thse interface pins? -
@Phaedrux OK I have performed further checks and followed the "What to do if your Duet won't respond" guide.
The SBC is now totally disconnected. I have applied power from a PC via the USB port. The 5v red led lights, as does the green 3.3v led. There is no activity on either the Status or the Activity led. No Com port appears in device manager on the PC(Windows 11). this is true whether or not there is a card in the micro SD slot.
I am beginning to believe that the processor has failed! What else should i check? -
@ProfChris if you double press the reset switch, does a drive appear?
@jay_s_uk Ok - to perform this check I totally disconnected the board, and when I applied USB power all seemed to be OK the red Status led flashed and a Coms port was created! I have now reconnected everything except the 12864 display and everything is working correctly. I imagine that the Reset line in the 12864 interface must be permanently active - but I have no idea how that has happened. Anyway - many thanks and onwards and upwards!
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I have finally got to the bottom of this. The reset button on the 12864 had caught under the frame and was causing a continuous reset. Maybe in the "What to do if your Duet won't respond" guide it would be worth inserting "check all reset buttons to see that they are not stuck".
@ProfChris Thanks, I've amended the text to:
If the reset button is stuck in (rare), or has been mounted so it is pushed in by an enclosure (also check connected PanelDue/12864 displays for this, by disconnecting them), the Duet will get stuck in a boot loop, which will cause the DIAG LED to be on permanently. Check there is clearance around the reset button, or use some tweezers to gently pull the button out.