Dead after using reprap configurator
If it connects to windows, you should check what it is in device manager in windows. Sounds like you could try to reinstall PanelDue firmware. - scroll down there to "Testing the board and updating the firmware" . -
It is shown as 'Bossa Program Port'
That means no main firmware is installed. So follow instruction above and install firmware into PanelDue. As you have PanelDue 7i, you need this file
It worked !!
Thank You, you have saved my day
One last question, the background color is allmost purple (not white) is that normal?
No, its not normal. Please post picture of it here, best from setup page of PanelDue as it has color palette. If its not normal, then i hope David will tell you what to do next .
Okay, I have placed a piece of white copy paper behind the display to give some kind of 'whitebalance'.
I have found the problem, it is the ribbon cable that is broken (cracked).
I will return it.Again, thank you for your help.
EDIT: I found the forum:
"Just recieved an email from E3D.
I need an Duet admin on this forum to confirm that the problem is the ribbon cable.Do I have to make a new post some were specifik or maybe send an email to admin?"
Is the ribbon cable problem easily visible, and if so, can you post a photo here?
Yes it does look damaged. I approve a warranty replacement.