@alankilian said in LIDAR Bed Leveling:

@3Dreamer The sensor being discussed is not a LIDAR sensor, it's a LASER triangulation sensor, so it's nothing special technology-wise.

People use triangulation sensors for bed leveling all the time and it has it's good and bad points.

Hi alankilian,
you are right. I'll quote a paper in order to introduce readers to the differences:

3D ranging technologies generally fall into either position-based (triangulation) or time-based (LIDAR) approaches. Triangulation can provide much higher precision at close to mid-range but degrades quickly with the square of distance. LIDARs can provide reasonable precision over much longer distances but, unlike triangulation, they do not improve in capabilities at short range where precision and speed are critical for many applications such as autonomous rendezvous and docking, guidance and navigation, obstacle avoidance, and inspection.

So let's us speak about those technologies!