Error: M141 "No Chamber Heater Has Been Configured for Slot 0"
I recently purchased and installed a Duet2 WiFi. I have been very impressed with it so far! An issue that i'm having and can't seem to find a fix for online is when I print a gcode file, I get a red popup box that states "Error: M141 No chamber heater has been configured for slot 0". I am not running a chamber heater and I don't have any M141 commands in my start/end gcode, so I don't know why I am receiving this error? The file still prints, but the message is concerning.
Also, i'm not sure if it's related to the M141 error or not, but I receive no statistics about the file that i'm printing within the web configurator. I have attached screenshots of both issues. Thanks in advance for your assistance!!
1_1565905627920_Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 4.41.37 PM.png
The second screenshot didn't upload to the original post, so here it is.
It's because you're slicing with Cura. See this thread:
I said: "I had this the other day, I think it's a new addition. Cura is adding an M141 command. While it produces an annoying popup, it is effectively ignored if you don't have a chamber heater. Disable it by opening Print settings in Cura and find "Build Volume Temperature" (usually hidden), and set it to 0C. Then it won't put the M141 in the gcode."
If your using the Cura slicer, in the profile settings there is a setting called “Build Volume Temperature” under Material, change this to a value of 0 stops the error message.
Awesome, thanks a lot for the quick answer! Any idea why I'm not getting statistics for the file that i'm printing?
After changing the temp in Cura, I no longer get the M141 error. I do get a M900 is not supported message though; although it is in blue and not red like the Error. Is that another Cura setting? I set my gcode flavor to RepRap in Cura. Is that correct? I saw an option in the web configurator to make the firmware look like Marlin. What's the purpose of that?
You must have a M900 command somewhere in your config files, the M900 is not a valid Reprap gcode.
see this link ... -
@jsn0327 said in Error: M141 "No Chamber Heater Has Been Configured for Slot 0":
I do get a M900 is not supported message though;
I'm guessing you have the linear advance plugin installed for Cura as well.
Yes i do. I turned it off and no longer get the error. I still do not receive any statistics during the print. Everything shows n/a. How do I enable those? The attached screenshot is what i'm talking about.
What version of firmware and DWC are you running?
Duet2 WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Firmware Version: 2.04RC1 (2019-07-14b1)
WiFi Server Version: 1.23
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6I went ahead and opened another thread on the issue to get more visibility.