RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released
@3dmntbighker TBH, I didn't know that S0 had been withdrawn either. I was going by this thread where David said his intention was not to withdraw S0.
@deckingman said in RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released:
@3dmntbighker TBH, I didn't know that S0 had been withdrawn either. I was going by this thread where David said his intention was not to withdraw S0.
That's what we get for being bleeding edge. I don't ask for apologies
DC is "the man". He's done as much for my 3D printing as anyone.
Yes, I changed my mind. I found an inconsistency in how local and remote endstops configured using S0 were treated, and that led me to decide that providing two ways of doing the same thing was an unecessary complication.
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released:
Yes, I changed my mind. I found an inconsistency in how local and remote endstops configured using S0 were treated, and that led me to decide that providing two ways of doing the same thing was an unecessary complication.
Fair enough. @droftarts or someone needs to update the Gcode documentation to reflect that.
@deckingman, that's already in hand.
@dc42 @deckingman Done!
need configuration help to connect PT100 via board to DuetWiFi 2 v1.03
after upgrade to rrf-3 i changed config and everything works but the extruder temp sensor. it shows 2000 deg...
downgrading to 2.05 shows correct are related lines:
old RRF2 config
M305 P1 S"T0" X200 R395 W2 M143 H1 S350 A0 ; max temp 350 on heater 1, fault if above M570 S60 H1 P10 T15 ; Hot end may be a little slow to heat M563 P0 D0 H1 F2 ; tool definition RRF-3
M308 S1 P"e0_temp" Y"rtd-max31865" R395 F50 M950 H1 C"e0_heat" T1 ; heater 1 uses the e0_heat pin and sensor 1 M143 H1 S350 A0 ; max temp 350 on heater 1, fault if above M570 S60 H1 P10 T15 ; Hot end may be a little slow to heat M563 P0 D0 H1 F2 ; tool definition w
@c310 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released:
need configuration help to connect PT100 via board to DuetWiFi 2 v1.03
after upgrade to rrf-3 i changed config and everything works but the extruder temp sensor. it shows 2000 deg...
downgrading to 2.05 shows correct are related lines:
old RRF2 config
M305 P1 S"T0" X200 R395 W2 M143 H1 S350 A0 ; max temp 350 on heater 1, fault if above M570 S60 H1 P10 T15 ; Hot end may be a little slow to heat M563 P0 D0 H1 F2 ; tool definition RRF-3
M308 S1 P"e0_temp" Y"rtd-max31865" R395 F50 M950 H1 C"e0_heat" T1 ; heater 1 uses the e0_heat pin and sensor 1 M143 H1 S350 A0 ; max temp 350 on heater 1, fault if above M570 S60 H1 P10 T15 ; Hot end may be a little slow to heat M563 P0 D0 H1 F2 ; tool definition w
M308 S1 P"spi.cs1" Y"rtd-max31865" R395 F50
Oh yeah, a versioning discussion!
I'm waiting for final 3.0 release to finally get to merging some stuff into it. Do we have any significant non-functional (e.g. performance) improvements over 2.x? I've seen some threads discussing similar stuff, but nothing concrete in the release notes. I'm that guy running crazy PA values with many motors on high speeds so the Duet 2 CPU struggles (not complaining at the moment, just wondering).
@3dmntbighker WoW! thanks!!!
@c310 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released:
@3dmntbighker WoW! thanks!!!
I had to "guess" the same thing 2 days ago because they didn't include those port names under Maestro? I presumed the names would be the same as on Duet WiFi (which I also have with a PT100).
another temperature / pin question:
in RRF3 which ID should i assign to CPU temp sensor?
in RRF2 it wasM106 P1 L30 T44:63 H100:101 C"System"
i use this commands to declare the "virtual" sensorsM308 S20 Y"mcu-temp" A"CPU" ; Defineix sensor S20 com a temperatura de la CPU
M308 S21 Y"drivers" A"Duet_drv" ; Defineix sensor S21 com a temperatura dels drivers de la duet
M308 S22 Y"drivers-duex" A"Duex_drv" ; Defineix sensor S22 com a temperatura dels drivers de la duex5In this case, sensors 20 to 22 to declare mcu & drivers.
After that, use it as a standard sensor.Hope it helps you. I'm runing 3.0RC1 on a DuetWifi + Duex5 and there is no issue at all. A little tricky to configure but not impossible, using Reprap config tool as a start point.
In the Upgrade Notes for RRF 3.0RC1 I forgot to mention that on Duet 3, there is no longer a default bed heater configured. Use M140 to configure one, for example M140 H0 will usee Heater 0 as the bed heater.
For the record, 3.0RC1 on my Maestro seems to have the same issue Duets have always had for me. The DWC sometimes dies part way through the print. The print completes, but a hard reset is the only way to get the DWC working again. This happened in my WiFi as well.
@3dmntbighker said in RepRapFirmware 3.0RC1 released:
For the record, 3.0RC1 on my Maestro seems to have the same issue Duets have always had for me. The DWC sometimes dies part way through the print. The print completes, but a hard reset is the only way to get the DWC working again. This happened in my WiFi as well.
Are you able to get a M122 report from USB when that happens?
Got my Hypercube Evolution running RRF 3.0RC1 with bltouch, dual z leveling (g29) and so far so good!
took a bit to translate my config over, but i really appreciate the text labels now that i'm seeing them in gcode!
Got both my cartesian (Maestro) and delta(Duet Ethernet) running on 3.0RC1 with no issues other than those that were self inflicted. I don't have any specific printing requirements right now so I've just been printing calibration stuff and Benchys but all is working well. Thanks guys for all the work.