Duet 3 mini 5+ sensorless homing will not work
Did you follow @gloomyandy s suggestion to try the inverted sensitivity setting?
@oliof yes I replied to him and said it did not work using 64. At -64 it should trigger directly which it does not. It does not even trigger which means something is not working. Either it is a broken firmware or wrong code we can’t figure out.
I believe it to be firmware though since even if downloading 3.2 firmware we are stuck on beta, Wonder why they don’t fix that
I'll try a small setup tonight.unfortunately my mini beta board is on a version that doesn't support sensorless homing yet and won't be updated anymore. But downstream I see your problem with sensorless homing was fixed, so yay! -
@Alucardi said in Duet 3 mini 5+ sensorless homing will not work:
I believe it to be firmware though since even if downloading 3.2 firmware we are stuck on beta, Wonder why they don’t fix that
if you are on the beta, then stall detection is not implemented
to update see
https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/20382/unable-to-update-firmware-on-duet-mini-5-ethernet -
TBH, I couldn't get mine to stall with a simple movement with S set to -64 either.
@Veti why is this not fixed in the stable release?
it is. but the problem is your current programmer
@jay_s_uk which means something is not working. It should detect directly. I tried it in my old duet 2 when I was setting that up. It detected a stall as soon as it tried to move the axis.
@Veti my current programmer?
@Alucardi said in Duet 3 mini 5+ sensorless homing will not work:
my current programmer?
have you read the linked thread?
@Veti yes and I am no coder so I do not know what a iap file is
️ Thread is a month old.
just replace the iap file linked in the thread and update the firmware again.
@Veti I have uploaded that file to my card and managed to update I believe. But why does it have to be manually fixed? Not everyone goes to the forum and look on that thread. I downloaded 3.2 a week ago and assumed it was working fine cause I got no error. Just by luck did I see it still said beta when looking around in the menus. I then redownloaded the needed files but it was still on beta.
This might be one thing that cause my issue. Changed to X2 and Y2 and it seem to work.
; Endstops M574 X1 S3 ; configure sensorless endstop for low end on X M574 Y1 S3 ; configure sensorless endstop for low end on Y M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z
All these posts and we forgot to verify what firmware you were using?
That's a bit embarrassing.
@fcwilt not firmware issue it was endstop issues. Card was on rc2 when it came, sensorless homing worked then.
I had this code though M574 X1 S3 but it should be M574 X2 S3. Now it homes x and y. Still get G28 homing failed though. After X and y it just sits there. Will not issue a move to center of the plate. So if you have any input on my z homing sequence that would be awesome. Z axis is reported as homed though. -
@Alucardi said in Duet 3 mini 5+ sensorless homing will not work:
So if you have any input on my z homing sequence that would be awesome. Z axis is reported as homed though.Do you still have this line of code:
G30 P0 G1 X167.5 Y167.5
@fcwilt yes i do.
@Alucardi said in Duet 3 mini 5+ sensorless homing will not work:
@fcwilt yes i do.
OK then that is likely the problem.
You need to use G30 by itself.
Unfortunately G30 without a P parameter does not respect the X and Y parameters.
So you have to precede the G30 with a G1 command to move the probe to the correct XY location.
For my printer X=0 and Y=0 is the center of the bed so I can simply use the following G1 command:
G1 X{-sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]}, Y{-sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]}, F6000
to move the probe to the center of the bed.
A somewhat more complicated formula can be constructed for printers where X=0 and Y=0 is NOT the center of the bed.
@fcwilt I did add and try this. But it just sit at 0 and then say z is homed. It does not even push the probe out.
G1 H1 X167.5 Y167.5 G30 P0 ; home Z by probing the bed